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Fashion for Humanity

Young Americans; A Fashion Show With A Purpose

Fashion for Humanity
Freedom and Fashion

On the evening of Nov. 18, a truly inspirational event took place in Pasadena, CA. This powerful awareness event took form in a way you may not expect: a fashion show. It was all put together by an organization called Freedom and Fashion, located in Los Angeles, CA. Freedom and Fashion are deliberate in their mission and in their cause. The non profit organization is entirely centered around fashion. This includes design, styling, and creating. What sets Freedom and Fashion apart form other fashion based institutions is the people involved. The fashion students are all survivors. Survivors of human trafficking, homelessness, and other injustices. The survivors find a sense of belonging at Freedom and Fashion thanks to a number of volunteers, mentors, and interns who dedicate their time and compassion.

The team at Freedom and Fashion spend all year preparing for their annual fashion show event. The hard work, passion and dedication were indisputable upon walking through the doors. The event was lively with decorations, music, food, silent auction, partnership agreements and even a celebrity photographer. This year, the event was titled 'Young Americans'. The youth involved in the program chose this theme to demonstrate their position in our nation. Political views aside, the state of our society is evident to all. The current youth of America has witnessed national events that can not be compared to the experiences of previous generations. There is no shortage of division and injustice in our country. In response, today's young americans are here to fight back. The program participants are here to show that they not silent, they are perseverant and they are a force to be reckoned with. This concept in exactly what they embodied through their fashion and designs.

Models representing pieces in the 'Young Americans' fashion line. 

Freedom and Fashion allows survivors to discover expression in a way they have not been exposed to. Fashion is a very specific form of creativity in the sense that you can create a statement without any words. For the students at Freedom and Fashion, it has opened up an entire new world. There was no lack of emotion displayed through their designs. Every color, pattern, and material was utilized to represent adversity and overcoming. The clothes displayed on that runway were beautiful, and differed from any other fashion show out there. The audience saw much more than just clothes, they recognized empowerment.

The executive director of freedom and fashion is FIDM graduate Laverne Delgado-Small. I have the pleasure of knowing Delgado-Small on a personal level, and I can attest that her commitment to her organization is unlike any other.

Laverne Delgado-Small, Freedom and Fashion Executive Director

Countless hours and a major team effort goes into making Freedom and Fashion what it is. The results and the success stories that come out of Freedom and Fashion are beyond belief. People with no where else to turn find a safe space at Freedom and Fashion, the hopeless find a purpose. Freedom and Fashion provides those who are struggling with mentorship and skills they can use to get back on their feet, ready to face the world again.

At the fashion show event, Delgado-Small said,

"We (Freedom and Fashion) are not helping the at risk youth. This is a transformation program. We are transforming lives for the better."

Everyone at Freedom and Fashion did an incredible job putting the fashion show event together, and I have no doubts that the organization will continue to inspire and to transform the lives of survivors. If you would like to contribute to the cause, please donate as you feel lead on the Freedom and Fashion website.

Thank you Freedom and Fashion for an amazing experience, I can't wait to see what else this organization is going to accomplish!

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