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8 Farm Kids Give Reasons Why Growing Up On A Farm Is The G.O.A.T. And I Couldn't Agree More

I may have hated it at times growing up, but now I have found a new appreciation for my home.

8 Farm Kids Give Reasons Why Growing Up On A Farm Is The G.O.A.T. And I Couldn't Agree More
Megan Parsons

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Growing up, sometimes I didn't like growing up on the farm. Most of my friends lived in town, which is about a 20-minute drive. On summer days, they could all hang out and have fun, and I had chores to do.

But now,   I realized the best thing that ever happened to me is growing up on the farm.

Why? Because I learned so many lessons from it. I could drive a vehicle way before sixteen thanks to hauling hay in the field. I learned the value of hard work before I was out of middle school. I learned that the most important thing in life is family, and we treat everyone with respect -- including our animals and the Earth.

Sometimes, I am amazed at how much knowledge I possess compared to other young adults when I left home. Dad made sure I knew how to check my oil, check my tire pressure, tie knots and work hard. Mom taught me the essentials in the kitchen, to treat others with respect and to love others endlessly. Working in the hottest and coldest of conditions taught me that the outdoors are beautiful, and if you aren't sweating you aren't working hard enough.

Megan Parsons

I'm thankful for these memories. When I look back on my childhood, I know that I became the person I am because of the farm. I may have missed out on hanging out with friends some nights, and I may have sweated so much I could have created a river, but these experiences made me who I am. I wouldn't be me without them, and several other farm kids say the same thing. When I asked several farm kids what they learned growing up on the farm, here are the answers they provided:

1. Passion for animal agriculture

"Growing up on a sheep farm allowed me to discover my passion for animal agriculture. From getting up early in the morning to feeding and staying up late at night to do lamb checks. It taught me a lot of responsibility and developed my work ethic." - Paighton

2. Dedication and routine importance

"It taught me dedication and the importance of having a routine. From harvest to planting -- a routine is important. Now, I'm so detail-oriented and organized because of my experience." - Griffin

3. Character building

"It definitely built my character. My dad entrusted me to problem solve and work hard. It developed my passion for this industry." - Sarah

4. Balance of work and life

"It is the biggest influence on my life. Of course, it taught me about agriculture and how to care for animals, but it also taught me soft skills, which I appreciate the most. I learned to balance farm-work and school-work like many adults balance work and life. It's taught me to embrace change since it's the riskiest of all businesses, a strong work ethic and to value every relationship. I wake up every day with these principals to try to positively reflect on my family farm and those that built it." - Andrew

5. Passion for working

"Growing up on a farm helped me to learn the true meaning of hard work, dedication, family, and faith. We work together with a passion -- we love to provide for our family and others. Learning to care for God's creation through the land and animals is such a cool feeling and a pursuit worth the effort. It's not always easy, but it's always worth it." - Gracie

6. Real life preparation 

"Growing up on a farm prepared me for life. It taught me responsibility, work ethic, determination, creativity and most of all allowed me to discover my love for agriculture and the beef cattle industry. It has brought many opportunities into my life that wouldn't be possible without my farming background." - Kolt

7. Value of hard work

"It has taught me the value of hard work and having responsibilities. It has given me the passion I have today to do what I love, go to school for agriculture and hope to pursue a career in the agriculture industry." - Makala

8. Importance of family

"My experience growing up on a farm made me realize family is the most important thing in our lives. I am a third-generation farmer. The generations before me had a passion for this industry. Looking at the growth my little family farm has seen over the past 50 years gives me hope. Hope that one day my children can be raised on a farm, too. Hope that even in today's society, which is three generations removed from the farm, people can trust the farmers that grow their food. Behind the food you purchase at the grocery store is a family. A family just like mine; a family that taught their kids to love and respect animals, to have a strong work ethic and a family who loves the Earth and each other endlessly." - Megan

Farm kids tend to appreciate hard work, strive to achieve their goals, appreciate the little moments in life and have respect for people, animals, and the Earth. I'll never be able to tell my parents enough how thankful I am to grow up the way I did. Here's to all the farmers out there, teaching their kids life lessons one chore at a time.

Megan Parsons

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