Why You Should Keep Pushing Through | The Odyssey Online
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Health and Wellness

When All You Want To Do Is Give Up, Keep Pushing Through

Everything happens for a reason.

When All You Want To Do Is Give Up, Keep Pushing Through

I've been having a really hard time lately. My mood will go from feeling amazing — like I can do anything — to feeling like I'm done and want to give up in a matter of seconds.

There's a single saying I live by and sometimes need to remind myself of — "everything happens for a reason."

This has gotten me through some really dark time when I couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, when I couldn't see myself loving anyone ever again, and when I couldn't see myself living any longer.

Time and time again, that quote pops up for me somewhere — whether it's written on a bathroom stall, a quotes page on Facebook, in a tweet, etc. Whenever I need that reminder, it's there.

It's important to remind yourself that things will get better, in time. What you're going through now is only temporary and it will pass. Something good always, always, always comes from the bad. Don't believe me? Here's an example from my life that I think is worth sharing.

My grandfather, the man I was closest to growing up, passed away. I was pregnant, too far along to fly out to his funeral that was going to take place a week and a half later, and terribly sad. That night I went into the hospital to be re-hydrated and found out that I actually had to be induced. My son was born the next day. My son was the good thing that came out of the bad, and I was able to attend the funeral. I would've never gone into the hospital if I hadn't been crying in my bed all day over the loss of my grandfather, and wouldn't have known I needed to be induced.

The world works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, it'll throw storms your way and test you, but you CAN get through it and it'll be so much brighter on the other side. I promise you.

When you feel like giving up, take a deep breath. Go outside for a walk. Pet your cat, dog, hamster, whatever pet you have. Throw on a face mask and order a pizza. Put on some music and cry or dance it out. Keep a journal and write in it every time you feel at your lowest. Take care of yourself and focus on you. Things will get better and you will be stronger because of it.

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