Essential Drum & Bass Classics You Should Know (Pt. 2)
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Essential Drum & Bass Classics You Should Know (Pt. 2)

We dig deeper as our list brings us to part two...

Essential Drum & Bass Classics You Should Know (Pt. 2)
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Welcome back to another chapter of the Essential Drum & Bass Classics You Should Know! If you missed the first article, you can get up to speed right here. Before we dive into the next ten songs out of one hundred essential classics, some words need to be said...

An aspect of this list that is important to establish is the timeline of what is considered a classic (only pertaining to this list, as there are many ways one could personally designate their own timeline). There are so many songs out there, even ones released now or recently, that have a sound and love for them by both artists and fans that would make them classics, even as soon as they are released. For the purpose of maintaining focus, this list establishes the timeline for a classic as a song that is at least ten years old, or will be turning ten years old this year. So anything from 2007 and before is fair game. While this means that the list will exclude songs that I would personally go so far as to consider classic, it helps to bring about a definitive sense to that word.

The last point I would like to outline is a part of what this list means. Not every “essential classic” will be one that is adored by a majority. Some classics can be well made and respected, inspiring past, present, and future artists & DJ's. The title of this list has that part stating “...That You Should Know.” It's a crucial idea of this list, as we aren’t always going to enumerate tracks that you already know. Here, we are also observing songs that are just as great as the ones that have gained more acclaim, but are equally worth knowing nonetheless.

On to part two...

11. “Samsara” by Corrupt Souls - 2003

Inviting intro? Check. Breathtaking vocals? Check. An out of this world build up that culminates into a bass drop that will send shivers down your spine? Check! This song emphasizes its heaviness by using easy ambient movements and a borderline operatic vocal, all to contrast its world crushing groove.

12. “Only You” by Nookie - 1994

Tender vocals and a warm soundscape create an indelible vibe that lives on throughout this whole piece, showing how powerful a softer song can be when pulled off with such grace.

13. “Glitch” by Chase & Status - 2005

There was a time when this duo from London was all about a hard-edged style. This classic is an amazing example of it; arguably their hardest, as well most refined.

14. “Conversations” by Just Jungle - 1995

Sporting a dazzling, off-the-wall jungle technique, Just Jungle brings his unpredictable sound into a space of cool concentration on this contemporary jam.

15. "Overload" by Future Cut - 2000

Pre-millennium paranoia evolves into this apocalyptic bass and breaks beatdown after the world emerged into the new millennium, facilitating a charge into the depths of ever-plunging dark drum & bass.

16. “Go Down Baby” by Macka Brown - 1992

Featuring smooth vocals from Frankie Paul, this hardcore classic, which can seduce a dance floor into frenzy, could only be created from the golden age of rave culture.

17. “Penny Drop” by Naphta & Zero Tolerance - 2000

The first release that included the talents of now recognized Zero T, his work alongside Naphta on this classic is nothing short of forward-thinking. From the bass to the drums, and everything in between, this piece is just as futuristic today as it was then.

18. “The Vortex” by Alaska - 1997

If music "gives wings to the mind," it couldn't be truer for this intriguing track. Amen breaks beckon adventure into a stratosphere of enveloping ambience.

19. “Crocker” by Phace - 2007

The style that people have come to know Phace for is realized in this infectiously groovy neurofunk roller. Varied instrumentation greatly complement the versatile reese bass.

20. “Language of Love” by PFM - 1996

Intelligent drum & bass meets mysterious, yet calming atmospherics to make for this serene paradise of sound.

Stay tuned for another installment of ten drum & bass classics, as we go all the way to one hundred!

As always, a thanks goes out to the Drum & Bass In Ya Face crew:

Nigel "Rare" Walker, Eric D'Aguilar, Adam Cullen, Tommy Sowerby, Patrick Dawson, Marky Sparks, Ben Shorter, Paul Gardner, Reto Hausmann, TJ Rutherford, Ian Froud, Andrea Gomes, Danny Ainsworth, Andrew Aldridge

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