How Each Enneagram Type Reacts During The Covid-19 Pandemic
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How Each Enneagram Type Reacts During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Sixes, are you guys alright?

How Each Enneagram Type Reacts During The Covid-19 Pandemic

With the coronavirus pandemic that has taken over our lives, I have experienced so many reactions to the pandemic ranging from people who could not care less all the way to those who are giving the virus absolutely no chance to come near them. It is a trying time, regardless of whether you care or not. If you don't know what Enneagram Types are, they are basically a model of human personalities that are assigned to "types." It gets a lot more intricate than that, with "wings" and how the types develop, which I won't get into. From my experience with learning about the types and also from interacting with others and knowing their types, I tried my best to classify the types as to how I personally feel the types would react during the pandemic. And to give you a better idea of the types, I also included some celebrities with the types I list! And again, these are my own personal opinions and just for fun, so they totally could be different from how you perceive the types.

Type One as the rationalist who has devised the perfect plan.


Ones are known as The Reformers and this often means that they act in very methodical ways and feel the need to be prepared (but we aren't talking buying out Walmart's supply of toilet paper). They likely want to ration their supplies from home with a little more care than usual and advise others to do the same. At times, Ones can struggle with being too critical and maybe a little pushy with those who they feel are under or overprepared. An example of a One is former First Lady Michelle Obama!

Type Two as the person who is offering to help others out.


Twos, literally known as The Helpers, are the ones you see delivering food to the students having to be home from school. They're the ones offering to buy the elderly woman's groceries while she stays in the car to avoid the virus. Twos, while having every good intent in their hearts, can also be performing these tasks because they want to inspire others to help, buuuut also because they lowkey have a pride issue and want to be seen as a compassionate and caring person. An example of a Two is singer Josh Groban!

Type Three as the ones leading us through this.


Threes are known as The Achievers. They stand out because they are usually the people we look to in these situations. They work hard for success and to be noteworthy. Even better if it is for the better of others. Threes are the ones who are making sure they clean everything to the max. They are likely very serious about the pandemic, however, they are not letting that stop them from living a healthy, bountiful life. They also lowkey may be the ones who bought out all the toilet paper at first. They have everything under control. An example of Three is an actor, businessman, and former politician Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Type Four as the ones taking the time to try new things.


Fours, known as The Individualists, are often the ones who may close off their emotions from others. They find the pandemic scary, but they're also going to take the time to express gratitude and to take advantage of the opportunity to try new things. Fours treasure the fact that they can be set apart from others and be uniquely their own. While stuck at home, they're trying new things like crocheting, drawing, playing the piano, taking time to wash their car. An example of a Four is actor Johnny Depp!

Type Five as the ones who have done all their research on the virus and keep others updated.


Fives are known as The Investigators and that is exactly what they exhibit during the pandemic. They read scientific articles and news reports constantly just so that they can be sure they know everything they need or want to know about the virus. They would definitely be the ones who rolled their eyes when certain politicians were telling us not to trust the words of the scientists studying the virus. Fives are also the ones who are probably most comfortable with having to be in quarantine. They often self-isolate, anyway, so it doesn't phase them much. An example of a five is theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking!

Type Six as the one anxious for what changes will be happening and what the future looks like for them.


Sixes are The Loyalists and they are very trustworthy, responsible, and crave security. Maybe the easiest way to describe this person may be the college student who has found out their semester is canceled and moved online and are unsure about what their future holds. Sixes are the ones who want everyone to take the pandemic seriously because if they don't, who knows when we'll be out of this? They are very much invested in making themselves and those around them feel comfortable. They would like to be a piece of peace in these trying times. An example of a Six is actress Jennifer Aniston!

Type Seven as the world traveler.


Sevens probably saw plane prices and hotel prices dropping and immediately knew they were gonna take that trip to London they always wanted to go on. They are taking the opportunity to dream big, for sure. There is no keeping them in the house. As The Enthusiasts, they are seizing the day (or so they say). They are not as serious about the virus as others and it may bring criticism from others. Although, it will probably not take them too long to realize that the virus is more dangerous than they originally anticipated. An example of a Seven is singer Elton John!

Type Eight as the ones determined to get rid of the virus.


Eights, who is known as The Challengers, are taking the virus to a (sort of extreme) extent. But, it is all with the intention of not letting it spread. Eights are determined to not give in to the pressure of going and socializing and take hand washing and sanitizing also very seriously. They are not only strict on themselves but others. They are definitely the type to see two friends post a picture together and immediately groan at how "this isn't helping anybody" that "we'll never get past this pandemic if you guys don't realize how serious this is." I think we can all learn something from Eights. An example of an Eight is TV personality Phil McGraw (AKA Dr. Phil)!

Type Nine as the moderator for the drama.


Nines, who is known as The Peacemakers, see the comment sections on everyone's posts and sigh. They have done their own research and know what they believe, but they wish everyone would just agree to disagree. Nines may decide to voice their own thoughts and once someone disagrees or gets a little hostile, they may settle for a rebuttal is no more than saying they respect their opinion and maybe directing them to sources they themselves found credible. They long for the truth, but at the end of the day, they will stick to their guns all while being sure to respect everyone else. An example of a Nine is an actor and narrator Morgan Freeman!

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