11 Summer Essentials | The Odyssey Online
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11 Summer Essentials

To a more relaxing and enjoyable summer.

11 Summer Essentials

Summer is one of those seasons that we all look forward to, especially when we have been working away at school or in our careers. We can't wait to spend some time outside, smell the fresh air and enjoy the weekends like they were actually meant to be enjoyed. However, summer is a season that just goes by as if it was a nice cool breeze on a hot summer day; it comes and goes faster than you really want it to so with that in mind, here are some summer essentials that will make the summer more enjoyable –– and leave you with more time to actually enjoy the nice weather and good company than worry about what you might need.

1. A summer read to pass the time away and de-stress yourself.

2. Sunglasses that are comfortable and that fit your personal style.

Sunglasses also are a summer essential since they not only block out the haters but also the damaging sun.

3. Sunscreen

Because the sun may look like a nice emoji smiling back at you, but to your skin, it’s the Cruella de Vil of all villains.

4. Summer playlist that keeps those good times rolling even after summer.

5. Nice set of headphones to listen to that summer playlist at all times and that work for any summer activity you’re participating in.

6. Basics to your wardrobe.

The summer season has many trends and let's face it, trends are exactly that –– a trend. They don't last a lifetime so stick with the basics through out summer. Some basics that are key to keeping your wardrobe as easy-going as your summer are a cute casual summer dress, a jean jacket and a white v-neck.

7. A bathing suit that works as both cute and realistic for summer sports.

Believe me, there is nothing more uncomfortable than a bathing suit that doesn't stay in the same place once you get into the water.

8. On the go make-up remover

Because let’s face it, water proof mascara isn’t really water proof.

9. Hats are one of the most underrated accessory and assets to a summer wardrobe.

Whether its a sunhat, baseball hat or even a bucket hat, it can do wonders to keep your face out of the beating sunlight, and to manage your hair when the heat is just too much for your hair to handle.

10. Realistic pair of summer shoes.

Don’t get me wrong, I like a cute sandal that has buckles, zippers, leather ties and all that jazz, but when you’re constantly running around during the summer it gets annoying having to fasten your shoes to your feet each time. Plus those aren’t the most realistic shoe to wear when you're hanging outside during the day so aim for any sort of simple slip-on shoe: whether it is a sandal, boat shoe or sneaker.

11. An outdoor activity that you actually enjoy and that gets you away from watching Netflix in bed every single day.

It’s OK, the new “Gilmore Girls” isn’t coming out till the fall anyways, and no matter how many times you watch “Friends” the storyline will always stay the same, I promise.

Now, go enjoy your summer with hopefully less to worry about!

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