Dorney Park Promises Excitement But It's Nothing But A Ripoff
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Dorney Park Promises Excitement But It's Nothing But A Ripoff

Paying doesn't guarantee a ride.

Dorney Park Promises Excitement But It's Nothing But A Ripoff

The sun was scalding, the air was thick and I was sweaty but surely excited! Three of my closest friends were driving in from New York and I was ecstatic. I showered, threw on my swimsuit and prepared myself for their arrival. I couldn't wait to get to Dorney Park because I knew that I was in for a thrill!Three hours passed and I felt like I had been waiting forever. I heard the bell rang and cheerfully opened the door.

The time was now 5:40 p.m. and Dorney Park's Wildwater Kingdom only stayed open until 7. Upon their arrival they rushed to change into their swimsuits and I hurried purchasing and printing out our tickets.Twenty minutes later we headed out the door and into the car. I couldn't wait to feel Wildwater Kingdom's cool chlorinated water on my skin. Throughout the whole twenty five minute ride to the park, all I could imagine was laying in a tube floating down the Wildwater River.I could feel the water splashing on my face and dripping down onto my skin completely refreshing my overheated body.

We Reached The Park

At last, we finally reached the park! The roller coasters were illuminating and the park goers looked invigorated! I looked up at the time and we only had a half hour left to enjoy the Water Park part of Dorney Park. Dorney Park closed at 11 so we weren't wasting our money and would be able to ride the thrill rides throughout the park.We dashed to the Wildwater River and enjoyed the last float down the stream. Ah,I finally felt relief from the heatwave.

All The Rides Are Closed

We returned the floaters and headed towards the Hydra. The Hydra is a 53 mph roller coaster that lasts about two minutes and has a 105 feet drop. We walked about 15 minutes and as we approached the entrance to the ride we realized that the sky was extremely cloudy and dark and that none of the roller coasters were operating. We begin to look for employees wondering if the park was closed after we payed for our tickets. We approached two employees who stated "The rides are closed due to a severe thunderstorm approaching and you guys should consult with Guest Services in regards to a refund". From there we walked 15 minutes until we approached Guest Services.

Guest Services & No Refund

We finally arrived at the Guest Services counter after 2 hours of standing on line in the rain patiently waiting for an employee to address us. My hair shriveled up, my clothes were soaked and I was beyond livid. I finally consulted with a random employee who stated "On a case by case basis you can get a refund or possibly 50 percent off your next visit if the rides are still shutdown by the time the park closes.

After speaking to several different employees the manager announced to everyone that there would be no refunds regardless of the fact that they were not going to turn the rides back on.

We paid for tickets to the park and didn't even get an opportunity to get on any of the roller-coasters. After consulting with guest services again they told me that the rides being turned back on was contingent upon the weather clearing but the weather wouldn't clear until after the park was closed. Essentially the park sold tickets to customers knowing that the rides were not operating and weren't going to be turned back on and refused to give anyone a refund. Guest Services role is to ardently deal and assist customers with concerns as needed.

Dorney Park "Scams" People

Dorney Park is supposed to be a place of excitement and thrills but that's all contingent upon the weather and the Parks refund policy. I will never ever spend my money at Dorney Park again! I urge anyone planning a trip there to invest their money in another Park that is accountable for their actions and doesn't scam people out of their money.

I ask these last few questions "Why keep the park open knowing that customers would not be able to enjoy the thrill ? Why take customers money knowing that the park will close due to an approaching storm?" Also, as a reader and consumer, "Would you be okay with type of customer service?"

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