Dungeons And Dragons And Escapism | The Odyssey Online
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Dungeons And Dragons And Escapism

With everything in the real world going south and out of our control, escape to a world where you can make a difference!

Dungeons And Dragons And Escapism
Photo from Pixabay

I think about Dungeons and Dragons just about every day. Obviously, to the layman this seems insane and perhaps unhealthy, with a side of obsessiveness. After all, it is just a game, right? To that, I would say this- the only people who don't like Dungeons and Dragons are people who haven't played it.

Let me explain.

This game offers so many options and so many paths of fun that it's actually difficult to grasp the level of possibilities. Even folks who don't like games- be them tabletop, video games, or otherwise- are almost certain to find an aspect of the game they like, be it unraveling an epic story, creating the perfect character, enjoying hilarious roleplayed moments between friends, or taking down huge baddies with insane teamwork. This game truly offers something for everyone, and in a time like now- who wouldn't mind paying a visit to a world where you can use magic and take down monsters?

If you enjoy acting, improv, theatre, gaming, storytelling, writing, or even just hanging out with friends- this game has something to offer you. I can't even possibly recount the number of insane game sessions I've had or epic character moments. As an actor, some of my finest acting has come from D&D. Yes, you read that- some of my best performances were in a tabletop game with trolls and goblins.

Perhaps the craziest part of D&D is immediately evidenced when you speak to folks who play when you ask them about it. Ask any player what they did last session- they'll say something to the effect of "I stole treasure from a dragon!" or, "we killed a corrupt vampire king!" or, "we managed to finally track down the assassin who took down our bard!"

I, we... these folks didn't just play a game. In their mind's eye, they LIVED these experiences and you can too.

So if you haven't tried it yet, I'd recommend finding a game. They're easily played online, and there are TONS of groups running online, as evidenced by Roll20's overloaded servers. So pick up some dice, a character sheet, and grab some buds. You won't regret it.

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