I dedicate this to my dogs back at home in Kansas, Nala and Charlie. You guys don’t know English and therefore will not understand this article. But, I will always make sure you two know how much I love you.
Sitting in Spanish class today, the weirdest thing happened. I started having extremely vivid daydreams of my dogs running towards me. This could be due to my lack of sleep or the excessive amount of coffee I drank this morning. However, I would like to attribute my lovely daydream to my deep, everlasting love for my pups.
While off at college, I have realized that although I miss my parents, brother, and sister to an unreal extent, I admit I miss my dogs a little more. I can talk to my family, see them on FaceTime, and text them any time of the day. Meanwhile, I know my two furry friends, unfortunately, don’t have internet access or a cell they can call me on. My parents sending me pictures of them and showing me them on FaceTime just does not do the trick. Let me tell you a little something about my two best friends.
Charlie, the dog with 9 lives, is a very mischievous fellow and is the KING of comfort. Not only has he been run over by an SUV (with minor injuries), lost half an ear to a vicious terrier, gotten his head stuck in the fence, he has also consumed a scary amount of socks, underwear, and pencils. Yet, he always lives to see another day. Aside from his suspicious activities, my favorite version of Charlie is when he is cuddled up in a blanket or laying on a pile of pillows. He builds these nest like formations on his own and refuses to be bothered. He’s my favorite cuddle partner, and I could lie around with him all day.
Nala, my sweet girl, has a stubborn yet loving heart. She will go outside for 2 minutes, and rather than being a normal dog and roaming free in the great outdoors, she sits by the sliding glass door and barks until someone lets her in. She is a notorious beggar and will find her way to food no matter what circumstances lie in her way. One Thanksgiving while my dad was heating oil to fry a turkey in the turkey fryer outside, she knocked it over and licked the oil. She was literally, sick as a dog. Needless to say, we did not eat a fried turkey that Thanksgiving. Aside from her stubbornness, she is the definition of loyal. She sits at our feet to keep them warm, she waits outside my bedroom door for me to wake up in the morning, and although a bit disgusting, she licks my dad’s toes for him. I know it sounds gross, but there is a certain cuteness to this action.
My dogs are my best friends. I cannot put into words how much happiness and joy they have brought into my life. Since I’ve been at college, 1200 miles away from home, I have cried multiple times while thinking about them. Every time I see a dog on or off campus, a warm, fuzzy feeling happens inside me. I know while I’m away, they’re getting older. My two best friends, they won’t always be around. There’s no way to stress the importance of loving your family, displaying your love for them, and reminding them every day.