5. Pitbull- Overrated | The Odyssey Online
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10 Dog Breeds That Are Completely Overrated And Underrated

Getting a dog is a huge decision, don't let popular demand influence your decision.

10 Dog Breeds That Are Completely Overrated And Underrated

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Dogs are a huge part of my life and they always will be. I've worked at a dog daycare for nearly two years and I have my own dog (which makes me a little biased). Needless to say, I've gotten to know my fair share of breeds, and the most common ones aren't as great as everyone makes them out to be.

1. Doodles- Overrated


Labradoodles, Goldendoodles, aussidoodles, etc. These dogs can be real jerks. Yes, they're cute and soft, fluffy, and their curls make them bouncy and cute. HOWEVER, these dogs are incredibly smart and mischievous. They are hard to discipline, and if you let them get away with one thing, they'll completely run you over. These dogs need constant structure, or they'll turn out to be jerks. The ones that I've met are sweet and always want my love, but they know how to piss off the dogs around them. They pretty much have their own agenda.

2. Great Dane- Underrated


Alright hear me out on this: they are the BIGGEST babies on earth. They just want your love and food and they will be loyal to you forever. They're huge which makes them a little terrifying, and their bark doesn't make them any less scary. Once you get to know a Great Dane, you have a hard time to not loving it.

3. Husky- Overrated


To be fair, I've only worked with about 4-5 huskies and I have adored every single one of them. However, when people get a husky, they are ignorant to the kind of care huskies need, which makes it a terrible dog. A husky needs an outlet for them to release energy, and if they don't have that, they will tear apart your house. Along with this is discipline. Getting a husky good and tired is great, but you don't have to wear them out every time, you need to set boundaries and discipline for your husky or else they will tear up your house even while they are good and tired. They take a lot of work. Don't get a husky just because they're pretty and the only room you have to offer a husky is a tiny dorm room or apartment.

4. Basset Hound- Underrated


These dogs are underrated big time. Yes, they have the bark that might make you go deaf, but the pros outweigh the cons. First, their mile-long ears are just as tall as they are so whatever they do, the ears are involved. Especially when drinking water. They are so cute and stout when they run around and play. They have lots of extra skin that is just so cute. They're loyal, loving, and just want all the pets you can give them. They're smart and very well-behaved. Treat your basset hound right, you will have an awesome dog.

5. Pitbull- Overrated


No, these dogs are not aggressive. I'm not going there. They're sweet little cement blocks that just want to love you. These dogs have been through a lot when it comes to the abuse they endure and how strong they are. However, the whole "fight the power" and buying a Pitbull puppy from a breeder doesn't help anything. Adopting a Pitbull from a shelter who really needs a good home does help. Owning a Pitbull is becoming a fad that overlooks why it became an issue in the first place

6. Labrador Retriever- Underrated


I have a lab, so yes, I'm very biased, but once you own a lab, you can't go back. These dogs have anxiety which gives people the impression that they're crazy. However, if you look past that, you see a loyal, cuddly, loving, and kid-friendly dog. These dogs are so sweet and gentle with kids and puppies, they will never deny your pets and love. They will always eat their food too. Their temperament is amazing and by far one of the best on the list of dogs I know.

7. Golden Retrievers- Overrated


You were thinking it, I was thinking it but I'm just saying it. Marley & Me, Air Bud, and Air Buddies can prove how overrated Goldens can be. They're easy dogs to love with the best personality that is just so gosh darn cute. I would love to have one when I have my own family. They are the 'it' dog when you're thinking of ideas on a dog.

8. Dachshund- Underrated


Dachshunds think they are as tall as the world which makes them so lovable. You won't find any other dog that will protect and own you like a Dachshund. They live forever if you keep them healthy and treat them well. You can scoop them up with one hand and they will never say no to cuddles.

9. German Shepherds- Overrated


I love German Shepherds, don't get me wrong, but if you don't train, discipline, and socialize these dogs, they are the WORST. I cannot stress enough how important it is to socialize your dog and not keep them pent up in your apartment or room. They are very loyal and loving, and their social anxiety is a normal thing, but if you are getting one as your first dog, socialize, socialize, and socialize. Structure is so important.

10. Rottweilers- Underrated 


How? Like pit bulls, these dogs get a bad rep, but they aren't as wanted as Pit bulls. Rottweilers will always be there for you like no other. Their big bodies do not stop them from wanting to get cuddles and love. They love to play, but they look scary, so people are reluctant to have one. Rottweilers are extremely protective of the people they love. They're great dogs to have as a puppy and grow up with your kids. However, if they are treated poorly, they won't be as great as I'm saying.

I love all of these breeds and will accept any form of love. Popular dogs do not mean that they will be the best pet. I always want people to think of the dog's best interest when wanting to get a dog. I'm not saying to not get a dog that I deem 'overrated.' I'm saying to look up information on a dog before proceeding to adopt/buy. We also need to appreciate the lesser breeds that aren't so popular. They're the best.

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