I'm not going to lie......I love Halloween. It's always been my favorite holiday and every year I get so excited when it comes around. But I remember what it was like being in college and still wanting to celebrate. Trying to come up with a creative costume while looking at my bank account, barely enough money to get me through the week. Not to mention the decision to either eat at the dining hall or spend my last dollars in my wallet on Wendy's instead. So, if you still want to get dressed up and not break the bank, here are 13 Halloween costumes for the broke college student. Happy hauntings!
1. Chip On Your Shoulder
I love a good ~punny~ costume
3. CactusĀ
Nothing prickly about this costume choice. Plus you get to be warm for the night when bouncing from party to party.
4. Pineapple
When you thought you would have the personality of Spongebob Squarepants but end up as his house instead.
9. Deer
I'll admit to doing this a couple of years ago. You can never go wrong with any type of animal costume.
13. FlapperĀ
What better excuse to feel Gatsby for one night instead of the broke college student hat you are?
There you have it, I hope these costumes were able to help you out. As for me, I may not be in college anymore and take online classes for grad school......but I'm still a little broke. Therefore, I'm making my own costume and I'm going as Audrey Hepburn from "Breakfast At Tiffany's" except not in the classic black dress. Her white button-down, eye mask, and earplugs instead.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!