Early January to mid-April. To anyone else, this range of dates might mean absolutely nothing, but to a Fall Disney College Program applicant, this is the timeframe of a possible wish come true. From the day that the application process opened, we have been on our toes. Filled with anxiety, fear, joy and excitement, we have waited not-so-patiently to receive the email that would determine our fate: The acceptance letter. The road to the DCP is long and winding and cant be summed up into words alone, but it doesn't hurt to try.
1. When you get the "applications are up" email.
Yaasss! I can finally apply for my dream job!
2. Taking the Web-based interview.
It's OK to fib a little if it lands me the job, right?
3. Getting the email asking you to schedule a phone interview.
Oh my Mickey and Minnie. I'm halfway there.
4. Preparing for your phone interview.
*Obsessively watches Disney vlogs/stalks current CPs on social media/becomes even more Disney infatuated.*
5. The time between your phone interview and the (possible) acceptance letter
I know I checked my email 0.5 seconds ago, but there is a possibility it's there, right? Might as well check a couple (hundred) more times.
A little side note — there is this thing called an acceptance wave, and they are literally the worst because they are unexpected and random.
6. When you finally get your acceptance letter.
Holy crap. Holy crap. Oh my sweet baby Jesus I got in. *proceeds to tell everyone you know*
So, If you have experienced these emotions, congratulations, you're going to Disney. Only a few more months. We can do it