10 Types Of Snapchat Friends We All Have, But Should Probably Delete
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10 Types Of Snapchat Friends We All Have, But Should Probably Delete

People use Snapchat for the good, the bad, the ugly, and of course the unnecessary.

10 Types Of Snapchat Friends We All Have, But Should Probably Delete
Columbus Air Force Base

We all love Snapchat and it's less filtered approach to what's going on in our lives. Our snaps can disappear within seconds and will not last more than 24 hours, so we have less to hide. But of course, in the midst of the good, the bad, and the ugly that we see, we also have the unnecessary.

Here are ten types of people that we all have on Snapchat and are more likely to waste our time than send useful content--and we probably should consider deleting:

1. The Narcissist.

Yes, Snapchat is inherently narcissistic (as is most social media) but Snapchat narcissists take everything to the next level. These include those who constantly take pictures of themselves on different animal filters to try to look "cute," videos of themselves lip-syncing a song on the radio (that they don't have the courage to sing), or puffing from a Juul in attempt to look badass. Whichever form they take, they always have to include their face.

2. The Cross-Country Roadtripper.

Listen to me carefully: we don't want to see somebody's windshield as they drive in a local neighborhood with an overplayed Post Malone song playing in the background and the temperature that reads a mild 60 degrees. It's uninteresting and more importantly unsafe. In fact, Snapchat has a "Don't Snap and Drive" message for a reason.

3. The Thirsty Instagrammer.

The black screen and the "LMR" or "LMR streaks" is super irritating and unfortunately makes people look very desperate. I'm sorry if they're dissatisfied that they didn't receive enough likes in 2 hours on their latest Instagram posts. Maybe they should upgrade that content instead without promoting it on other platforms.

4. The Journalist.

In other words, the people with ENDLESS Snapchat stories that document every passing moment of the night. It can be pictures, it can be videos, but either way, IT SEEMS TO KEEP GOING AND GOING. We, unfortunately, live in a time when nobody has the patience to watch a 20-part Snapchat documentary so to save everyone time and energy, keep the Snapchats brief.

5. The Filmmaker.

Similar to a journalist but involves a multi-part video that seems long enough to be in theaters on the big screen. Once again, nobody has the patience to watch all of the "scenes" to get to the funny part--or the part we actually care about watching. Now that Vine is dead, Snapchat is for the brief videos.

6. The Desperate.

The Desperate is the person who is clearly just laying in bed, alone, and on Snapchat. They're the people who constantly post stories that are black screens with the "HMU to hang out" or "HMU to start a streak," wasting our time and letting us all know that they have nothing productive to do.

7. The Fitness "Guru."

These people are the ones who want basically everybody to know that they exercise. Whether we see what machines they're using in the gym or see mirror selfies of their "gains," we have been meaning to ask a pressing question: if they are able to film themselves while they're lifting, how much are they really working out?

8. The Party Animal.

Yes, we all send Snapchats when we're at a party, but it's the ones who post excessively about it that really grind our gears. You know, the ones who post the constant loud videos of everybody screaming the words to "Mr. Brightside," pictures of the alcohol they're consuming, and images of all of the hickies they received over the course of the night. Sorry, we don't need to see you "living on the edge."

9. The Dr. Phil Guest.

You know, the ones who post the black screens with depressing, passive-aggressive, and/or alarming messages. We understand that there is no @ feature on Snapchat but please refrain from the subtweets and vague but depressing snaps and seek a real therapist, not a Snapchat audience. We might care, but not as much as the people may like.

10. The "Hopeless Romantic."

Listen, we are very proud of people who are deeply in love with their boyfriend or girlfriend but we don't need to see the entire love story through excessive Snapchats. These snaps range from nonstop pictures of the significant other with a "(S)He's so cute" to selfies with matching filters to kissing videos to posts celebrating the 41 week anniversary of the relationship. Kudos to anyone who can maintain a strong relationship but the entire thing does not have to go on Snapchat.

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