Dear Donald Trump,
I didn't vote for you. Though Hilary had a slew of her own issues, your campaign was particularly vulgar, your morals are questionable, and your refusal to believe the scientific community baffled me. That being said, I don’t want you to fail. I dream of the day where you suddenly have an epiphany, and actually start governing like the leader of the free world should. With white supremacist rallies scheduled across the nation, North Korean nuclear threats becoming more than just theoretical, terrorist attacks striking fear into European citizens, and mass famines ravaging Africa, we need a strong, grounded, and logical leader willing to reach across the aisle and restore the American government to what it can, and should be.
First things first, denounce white supremacy and Nazism with all of your heart. Did some people on the ‘other side’ of the rally really throw some punches? Maybe, but perhaps it's because they were witnessing hundreds of white men carrying torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us," all while being screamed at, beaten, and run over by cars. BLM is not equatable the KKK in any way shape or form, and Antifa (though bad) is not on the same level as Neo-Nazism (one is for the genocide of millions of individuals). Denounce this psychopathic stuck in 1935 clan of racist, bigoted, violent and close minded individuals who are striking fear into the hearts of hundreds of millions of your citizens. Take matters into your own hands, be an adult and condemn this form of terrorism immediately, otherwise you will never be forgiven. Not by me, not by your country, and not by history.
Secondly, stop calling the media fake. Is it biased? Of course. However, castigating the media makes you look like an authoritarian dictator, and running your own ‘real news’ show is the most harmful solution one could possibly think of. Not everyone will like you, that’s ok. Live with the criticism, and instead of calling the media out on it, actually do some progressive, positive governing and their opinions will change. Stop watching Breitbart, stop tagging @failingNYT in every tweet, and stop retweeting photos of journalists being hit by trains, it’ll come back to bite you sooner or later.
Thirdly, I don’t know what sort of vendetta you have against Obama, maybe its that you think he was born in Kenya, or maybe you're jealous of his popularity with millennials, but stop undoing every single environmental regulation put in place by his administration. Listen to our scientists, not Scott Pruitt. Climate change was not made up by the Chinese, and allowing companies to dump sludge in the river only helps the monopolistic plutocrats who you famously claimed to be against in the first place. Coal is dead, and instead of glorifying a dangerous profession where most people get black lung by 55, invest in education and training programs for renewables, they’re cheaper, cleaner, and safer. I thought you were a businessman, but if you don’t understand that solar and wind will overtake oil and gas in the coming decades, you might want to go back to Wharton.
Finally, stop ostracizing the republicans and democrats who vote against you (especially in situations where 20 million people will lose health care). Instead, focus on bipartisan issues that are important to America, my recommendation is infrastructure. Be the business man you promised, and redesign the highways and transit systems of America, they’re gravely needed. Republicans and democrats will work with you, and you can even slap you name on a few bridges. As Michael Scott would say, it's a win win win.
Ben Halee, a concerned student hoping for change.