10 Ways To Deal With Anxiety In College
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10 Ways To Navigate Anxiety's Rollercoaster Of Emotions During College

You are not alone and there are so many amazing ways you can get through this smiling on the other side.

@radlove on Instagram

Let's state the obvious.

Anxiety is NOT fun and for many people who suffer from anxiety disorders, it can be a daily struggle to handle the basic routines of the day and all the heightened emotion and stress that comes with it. Throw in the added stress of going to college and many would say you have a recipe for disaster or even the perfect potent cocktail.

But, no matter how hard the day, the week or month may be due to your anxiety, believe me when I say you are not alone and there are so many amazing ways you can get through this smiling on the other side.


This first one is important!

Meditation has long been known to bring peace to wandering minds and restless souls. So, it's no wonder that meditation is so beneficial as a natural anti-anxiety Rx. Another bonus of meditation is that it is another form of grounding techniques that can be used in daily practice no matter where you're at in your day.

If you're not sure where to start with this daily practice, the best places to begin are Pinterest and Youtube for guided grounding/meditation and easy grounding life-hacks. Believe me when I say it is one of the best hands on things you can do to get your mind to quiet down, relax and work on healing your anxious mind and soul.

Stay Organized 

Unsplash: Christine Donaldson

I know, I know.

When your mind is cluttered and buzzing from your worries it can be hard to focus and get yourself to calm down enough to take a deep breath or even take the time to pick up your room.

Personally, I've been there. I know how crippling anxiety can be and how it can make even the simplest task, like making your bed seem like a near-impossible goal. Add on the added pressure of college classes, exams, papers, juggling school and friends and your mind can become even more anxious.

Because of this, one of the best things you can do to help manage your anxiety is to get organized and stay organized! Whether it be making your bed every day, deep cleaning your room once a week or keeping a daily calendar with your schedule and check-list of to-do's, these minor goal accomplishments and de-cluttering techniques will help to keep your mind at ease.

Get Connected 

There's no doubt that college is an exciting and fun time in all our lives. For some of us, it's a fresh start and comes with the promise of meeting new people and doing great new things!

Whether you know people at your school or not, anxiety can make it harder for you to come out of your shell, form bonds, meet new people and try new things, which is exactly why it is so important to get involved at your school! Getting involved and gaining a support system of friends, like-minded peers or just people you can connect with or talk to can make your college experience ten times better and ease the anxiety surrounding going to school.

So, whether it be getting involved with Greek life, writing for The Odyssey (wink, wink), joining a club or an intramural sport, don't be afraid to get out there and live your best college life!

Take Time For Yourself

I cannot stress the importance of this one.

It seems like it is so easy nowadays to find every distraction from keeping us away from ourselves and our own thoughts. While distracting yourself with friends, school, activities, etc., can be really beneficial, it can become a crutch that we begin to lean on instead of appropriately addressing and dealing with our anxieties and the things that trigger them. So forget about the FOMO and take some time for yourself! #SelfCare

Also, peep the rest of this article for more little self-care and alone time activities for you, yourself and well... yourself!!

Eat Some Dark  Chocolate 

Correct that. Don't just eat some dark chocolate... eat all the dark chocolate!

This might sound like a silly thing to include in a serious article about handling anxiety but I am happy to report that there have actually been studies that have proven dark chocolate can relieve stress and anxiety!

Thanks to cute little antioxidants called flavonols, consuming a small amount of dark chocolate every day can help improve blood flow to your brain ultimately making it easier for our brains to handle stressful situations!

Pick Up Journaling!

This relaxing activity kind of goes hand in hand with the previous number four! Journaling is a proven relaxing and grounding technique for anyone who's got a lot on their plate.

Writing things down, especially directly on paper can help to express thoughts and anxieties swirling around your head in a positive way that allows you to analyze what's going on in your life so you can make positive long-lasting changes!

Learn About And Understand Your Stressors And Anxiety Inducers

Speaking of long-lasting positive changes, learning about and understanding your stressors and anxiety inducers can be a monumental step towards taking control of your life and your anxiety!

Whether it be through journaling (number seven) or counseling, when you find out whatever your triggers may be (school, parents, driving, etc.), that is when you are truly able to take the proper steps to turn your triggers into powerhouses.

Invest In A Weighted Blanket Or Pillow 

Believe it or not, this investment is one that is worth it! Studies show that weighted pillows or blankets can not only help prevent anxiety attacks as the person is beginning to experience them but also help the individual to sleep better and stay calm and collected before anxiety attacks even start.

This is because the pressure of the weighted pillow or blanket on your body (particularly by placing these items on your stomach) will force you to breathe slower by placing slight pressure on your diaphragm and using touch receptors to distract the body from the fight or flight response it is about to exhibit.

Make A Healthy Lifestyle A Priority

I personally cannot stress this one enough.

To have a healthy mind and soothed soul you must also have a healthy and stable body and to have all of those things you must be pursuing a healthy lifestyle! I'll be honest, when I used to hear people say you have to live a healthy lifestyle and blah blah blah, I always used to think they meant I needed to lose weight or needed to eat only salads.

But, after making the transition to living and pursuing a long-lasting healthy lifestyle I've learned it's nothing to do with that, (although they can be added bonuses. To live and pursue a healthy lifestyle means doing things that make you feel good and ensure your body is being nourished and in the best state it can be!

When you are able to live that healthy lifestyle and find your balance, your anxiety does too!

Seek Help!

If there is one piece of advice I would give to any college student or any person struggling with anxiety or any form of mental illness, it would be to seek help and to not be afraid to seek help.

There is not a day that goes by that I don't wish I would've done so sooner. It can be scary not knowing who to talk to or what to say, but that is okay. At the end of the day, most colleges and universities even have free counseling services and support groups, etc., that you can take advantage of and there is no reason why you should feel weak or scared or like a failure for seeking out help.

It is because you are strong that you have made it this far and it is because you are strong that you are seeking help, even from the simplest task of clicking and reading this article.

Cover Image: @radlove on Instagram

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