15 Thoughts Of Someone Crashing A Physics Class | The Odyssey Online
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15 Thoughts Of Someone Crashing A Physics Class

"I'm not even in engineering and I'm stressed out about this."

15 Thoughts Of Someone Crashing A Physics Class

Recently, one of my friends invited me to see the torture that was his physics class on campus. Being an advertising major and never touching any kind of science-related subjects, I thought it would be fun to take a trip down the high school curriculum memory lane — physics can't be that hard, right?

I was wrong.

15 things went through my mind while sitting in this class...

1. This woman sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger's mother.

This woman has a very thick German accent, but she certainly knows more about anything than I do concerning anything, ever.

2. Why is this guy on coolmath-games.com?

Actually, I don't have to ask that... I would've given up by now too.

3. Why is this guy watching the Masters?

Read number two.

4. Series Impedance:


Do I know what the hell this means? No. Something about energy I think.


I'm not even in engineering and I'm stressed out about this.

6. Everyone in here looks so sad. Dead, even.

I bet half of these people have drinking problems.

7. I'm an advertising major and I couldn't sell the idea of this class being fun to anyone.

What makes it worse: the impending reality of not being able to find a job with a bachelor's degree.

8. Bruh, there are literally 787,000 equations.

I cannot reiterate how important it is to know each equation and how it relates to a different equation that you likely do not know. Do you think everyone in here actually knows this?

9. There is no student-to-teacher communication.

But on a serious note, this class requires zero interaction from the students for the instructor to teach. No wonder these people are sleeping.

10. In 5 years, all of these people will be making more money than I will.

That's the only silver lining I am observing in here.

11. I spy with my little eye...

A guy with some Forrest Gump running hair wearing Beats Studios not paying attention, a guy passed out beside his Monster energy drink, and hundreds of smartphones open on iMessage. Ahhhhh, education.

12. There's still 30 minutes left in this class?

I seriously just came here for jokes, but I'm ready to walk out like...

13. Everyone right now is totally looking at me because I don't belong here.

Yes, the row of sorority girls behind me overheard that I was an advertising major. I'll convince myself that they're laughing about something else. I mean they probably are, right?

14. All of these formulas are making me hungry.

I would kill for some chicken nuggets right now. Something about electricity and magnetism really gets your appetite going.

15. Thank God I don't have to do this every day.

Bless all of you that are engineers and have to understand these concepts. There's no way I could survive in this cruel, science-y world without you.

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