Considering a Plant-Based Diet?
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Considering a Plant-Based Diet?

4 Things to Know First

Considering a Plant-Based Diet?

For all the readers interested in a Plant-Based Diet and wondering what it really entails—you have come to the right place. Besides the basic bullet points of following the principles behind the diet, anyone embarking on a Plant-Based life should get to know and be prepared for how drastically it will impact your life—besides the actual change in what you put in your mouth. Here are four details to consider before starting; get familiar and weigh these issues first before embarking on your plant-based journey.

Plant-Based Diet Basics

So, pretty much a Plant-Based Diet is a vegan, with a few more steps involved. Many Plant-Based experts will focus on a mostly raw vegan diet as a basic stepping stone before even graduating to a Plant-Based Diet. A Plant-Based Diet is actually not too far off from a cancer patient diet—no joking.

After the human body goes through something as grueling as cancer, all patients will be instructed to adhere as closely as possible to the same guidance that is basically known as a Plant-Based diet—all to ensure optimal health for surviving and recovering patients.

Be Prepared for Drastic Cuts in Diet and Food Prep Preferences

As a plant-based newbie, if already in vegan mode—be prepared to say goodbye to any added sugars (fruit only, types and quantities are restricted). All wheat flours, whether white or brown will go. Anything with preservatives or that is processed or packaged, will have to go. Say goodbye to cooking styles also—no deep fried foods (even if it’s a vegetable), no eating charcoaled or barbeque foods.

No Matter What Your Current Intake Is—It Will Be a Shock to the System

There are currently vegans that are walking around eating all potato chips—claiming to be vegan. A plant-based diet makes it so that there is no cheating. It is not enough to eliminate animal/meat/dairy/cheese. One must add nutrient-rich sources—add vegetables, nuts, and rich plant protein sources.

There are tons of vegans walking around who are consuming sugar by the truckload. In theory, yes, they are vegan—the eliminated the animal products. Eating mass quantities of chocolate caramel raspberry jelly bars (even if they are vegan), simply does not qualify as healthy living, or plant-based living.

Sugar Will Probably Be the Hardest for Most

You already did the work, super hard for most, managing to cut all meat and cheese. Sugar is a beast all its own. Prepare for mood swings and emotional battles (they will subside over time until your body resets itself, it will eventually). Currently, your body and brain love sugar and nothing else will scratch that itch—except more sugar.

Over the last decade, sugar consumption for adults has risen 30%, for children it has risen 20%. Most scholars and scientists point to rising diabetes and obesity statistics as a huge red flag that sugar and unhealthy living are related.

Once added sugar is completely eliminated, all fruit is NOT a free-for-all. There are many people who view fruit as a free area where they can overindulge. There are certain types of fruits and juices that are so sugar heavy—though natural sugars—it is not okay to just overdo it because it fits within rules. Quantity matters.

Besides most people who binge on fruit can’t hold up a pure fruit diet. Most revert back to old eating habits, with added sugars, then just adding a ton of fruit on top. That’s not okay either.

It’s a Psychological Switch

Get creative, play with different protein and nut/bean/grain sources. Some might have to alter cooking styles and grocery stores—it’s a new way of life. On a positive note, it is an opportunity to be creative.

There is nothing that one has to say goodbye to—one can make new dishes of noodles, bread, and pizza. Stores are now stocking all types of finely ground flours to inspire the hidden chef in all of us—as a society everyone should be cooking anyways—it’s a lost art.

Nowadays, all products are available everywhere thanks to the lovely internet. There are no more excuses for a store being too far away or not stocking the ingredient that is needed.

They aren’t just at health food stores either, healthy products and clean living are available at regular markets, vitamin shops, specialty shops and farmers markets. If ever interested in incorporating new types of plant proteins and have been wondering exactly what is pea protein for instance, a plant-based diet will broaden horizons and open a whole new world (and diet).

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