A College Kid's Journey Home For The Holidays, As Told By Buddy Finding His Dad
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A College Kid's Journey Home For The Holidays, As Told By Buddy Finding His Dad

"I just like smiling, smiling's my favorite."

A College Kid's Journey Home For The Holidays, As Told By Buddy Finding His Dad
Warner Bros. Pictures

You've made it through finals week, all your stress is gone.

Christmas music is blaring through every speaker, sororities are hosting their last holiday parties. You say goodbye to your roommates as you put on your favorite Victoria Secret holiday undies, strap on your jingling socks, you grab your bags and you're headed home.

On your journey, you reflect on Christmas past and all the fun you're gonna have celebrating the holidays with your family. Then you remember the time your distant Uncle kissed you, a harmless, but sloppy kiss on the forehead as you were innocently trying to get some food and the floodgates open. Holidays with family are dreadfully mentally, and totally uncomfortable.

But the holidays aren't supposed to be comfortable.

So what do you do?

Hide in your old bedroom and rewatch Elf 1428249 times? 'Cause that's what I do.

You just gotta put on your tacky Christmas sweater and crank the holiday cheer up to 1000.

...and also look up totally relatable Elf gifs on the internet.

1. So you arrive on the scene before the fam arrives and its just you and you're parents. Your mom hits you with a FULL itinerary of the next 2 weeks of your life.

2. Meanwhile, your dad is still trying to figure out how you afford new clothes but always complain about how broke you are.

3. Of course, the convo lasts the whole car ride to grandmas but it's fine. It's not gonna chip you're holiday spirit.

4. And now you're at Grandma's trying to mingle, but you're an awkward human being and you don't know how to make small talk.

5. But it backfires when you're only reminded of how lonely you are cause LITERALLY EVERYONE asks you why you don't have a boyfriend and you avoid the question like a sickness.

6. Uh-oh..then the favorite sibling starts narrating how 'perfect' their life is and the whole party is caught up in it but you see through the BS cause you know the truth.

7. During the already predetermined awkwardness of the whole situation, the cat walks in. You're thinking "this an escape," but Fluffy is a 14-year-old nut who hates everyone. So what do you do? Approach calmly and hope for the best

8. But the whole thing is fucked and Fluffy still hates you.

9. It's time to eat!! And you're sitting at the kid table but you're not even mad because the food is the bomb and you haven't had actual food in ages.

10. When right on cue...in comes random party guests who no one really knows who they are or where they came from but they show up just in time to eat then leaves (aka. me at every social event)

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11. Then someone pulls out the dessert and it's all fudgin' worth it.

12. But then you realized you were trying diet but you ate your weight in bread rolls and peppermint bark.

13. In a puddle of self-pity, your aunt calls you over to get her special gift she got for grandma from the top of the mantle in an overly complicated place that was, indeed, extra. Sounds easy enough, but you're clumsy and it's complicated and momma didn't raise no loser. So grandma, have no fear, you're gonna get the present.

14. And you did it!! Success!! You're walking tall and proud towards your aunt when you step on an orphaned Ornament hook.

15. It was almost as embarrassing as the time you walked in on your grandpa in the bathroom. YIKES.

16. Use this holiday break to make right with your parents and start the new year honest with cheer!

17. But all in all, the holidays with your family are awkward and we all need a little hiatus from the festivities and hiding in a room with Fluffy is just what we all need.

18. While you're at it, call up your best friend. Maybe she needs an escape just as much as you.

19. So good luck and happy holidays!

20. And don't forget there's no such thing as "too old" for Santa Clause.

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