Comic Reviews: Die, Kitty, Die! #3
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Comic Reviews: Die, Kitty, Die! #3

A review of the latest issue of Die, Kitty Die! By Dan Parent and Fernando Ruiz

Comic Reviews: Die, Kitty, Die! #3
Chapterhouse Comics

Die, Kitty, Die! Is published by Chapterhouse Comics. It is written by Dan Parent with art by Fernando Ruiz.

Although it's on issue #3, I'll still go ahead and give my usual description of what the comic is about:

Die, Kitty, Die is a satirical comic that mocks many aspects of the comic industry, while also having some fun with old popular favorites (like Bewitched and Casper). The comic follows our leading lady, Kitty Ravencraft. She is not only a young, beautiful, witch, but she is also the star of her own comic series She's Kitty. Which adds a cool little comic-within-a-comic thing because we get to see panels from her fictional series. Her greedy publisher has noticed a steady drop in her comic sales and decides they need to do something drastic to drive sales: kill Kitty's character. Not just in the comic, but actually kill Kitty. Because as we all know, nothing sells comics like a character death.

The world of Die, Kitty, Die can be compared to that of Who Framed Roger Rabbit (and if you have never seen that movie, you're missing out on life and you need to go watch it). As opposed to being a world where cartoons live alongside regular humans, comic book characters are actually real outside of their stories. However, their lives outside of the comics are affected by those in the stories. For example, when Kitty got married in a comic, she actually had to get married in real life.


As with the previous issues, we begin with an exerpt from an old Kitty comic, Agent K.I.T.T.Y's All-Stars. In this one, she teams up with American Gloria and Dyna-chik, all three dressed in fabulous 1970s fashion. And, in classic 1970s fashion, we see prominent issues addressed in a goofy, off-the wall manner. In this instance, LGBT and the concept of coming out.

Flash to the present day, where at a convention, Kitty's publishers are announcing her death and debuting the new Kitty, her cousin, Katty. Considering Katty looks like an absolutely classic female arch-enemy, the fans are not very responsive to her. Which she doesn't really appreciate, obviously. Thus, with the snap of her fingers, she produces a freaking fire-breathing dragon head that starts attacking people. During the chaos, Kitty unveils herself as alive and stops the dragon. A fantastic barrage of puns and insults ensue, followed by the arrival of some old friends. Who I was super excited to see after seeing them in the intro piece.

Pros: In its usual fashion, the comic provides light-hearted fun and jokes. They even cover some controversial issues like a lesbian relationship, and a bi-racial one at that. While the LGBT is a prime example, they discuss the concept of keeping yourself a secret and the importance of “coming out”, of being who you are, in order to be happy. I loved Kitty's cosplay superhero outfit, I loved the superhero outfits in general. Very apparent who they were parodying (in my opinion), which made it more enjoyable. Oh. Also, the anime/manga character Easter eggs were great. I had to do a double-take when I saw them because it was so subtle but at the same time apparent.

Cons: Also in it's usual fashion, the emphasis on Kitty's boobs. Katty literally says “I'd recognize those boobs anywhere”.

...What? How? Unless she has a distinct birthmark or scar, which she doesn't, how does one identify boobs? Especially when you're not close. Like. I have a sister, we shared a room growing up, we've definitely seen each other naked. I don't even know her bra size. I would never be able to look in a crowd and be like “Yep, that's her. That's her boobs”. I know they're trying to be funny, but sometimes they're really just pushing it to a point where it just falls flat. I also wasn't a fan of Skip and associate's dialogue. I always enjoy when Kitty and her friends, and even Katty, are talking. But Skip is just too stereotypical. His lines are too, “we're trying to make a point about greedy business men”, they don't feel as clever as everyone else. He doesn't feel clever. Just a regular ol' goob who we don't know how he even got this far with his plan in the first place.

I liked this issue better than #2, but there was too much of Skip and associate's and not enough Kitty for me. Now that Kitty has revealed she is still alive, I'm hoping that means more of her in the next issue. I'm really growing to like her character and the story that's unfolding. It reminds me of the old Jem and the Holograms TV show...but more sexual references. Make sure you stop by your local comic store and pick up a copy!


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