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College Life As Told By 'SpongeBob'

Worship the magic conch!

College Life As Told By 'SpongeBob'

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"SpongeBob" has been popular since its release date in 1999 and has made its way into the hearts of anyone who has watched it since. While the show has changed some in recent years, it has had–and still has–its moments. I, a 19-year-old college student, still enjoy watching "SpongeBob" on the regular and still enjoy it just the same, if not more. I've decided to highlight some of the show's best quotes and moments and apply them to some relatable college moments.

1. When someone knocks on your door after you haven't left your room for 36 hours

I mean, this happens to me at least once a week.

2. When you finally get your paycheck...

A relatable moment for any college student working their way through school.

3. ... And then spend it all on alcohol

An even more relatable moment for any and all college students.

4. Coming home after going out for the night

Tell me this isn't you eating your Sandwich U, Lotsa, Casa, or McDonald's.

5. Freshmen trying to find their way around campus

This isn't me trying to shame freshmen. I did the exact same thing trying to find my English class on the first day of my freshman year.

6. Waking up for your 8 A.M.

Honestly, this isn't that relatable for me because I just refuse to take 8 A.M.s...

7. Trying to get bonus points to better your grades at the end of the semester

Anyone who has taken a foreign language class between 101 and 204 knows that this is what you look like trying to repair your grade with that half a point that they award for attending those two-hour language nights.

8. Trying to convince your parents that you have "a lot of friends" so far

This was definitely the first month of my freshman year (before I found my squad and fraternity brothers).

9. When the A/C is unpredictable in your dorm room

I think we can all agree that a cold dorm room is better than a hot one, but sometimes it's just too much...

10. When you're having a bad day and then hear someone say "Shots"

When you know you failed that last exam but your friends ask if you want to go out on Thursday.

11. The first tailgate of football season

I mean... Am I right or am I right?

12. Syllabus week

This one's just too real for that entire first week of classes.

13. Feeling yourself in the club

Even if this isn't you, you've seen the people who look just like this.

14. Sitting by yourself in the dining hall

This one was definitely me for those first couple months, but you get used to it by the end of the year.

15. Preparing for finals

When you're truly over studying and look up new methods of trying to absorb the information.

16. Your brain after finals

I mean, do you really remember any of the info from that first semester freshman seminar class? I rest my case.

17. Trying to play match-maker and setting up your friends

This one just usually doesn't go anywhere or ends up as a hookup, but it's still worth the try!

18. When all of your friends start dating someone and you're still alone

Single people definitely have more fun, anyway!

19. When your workload is heavy and you're just like

It be like that sometimes.

20. Just daily life

Easily the most relatable GIF in this article.

21. You and your friends pulling out your fake IDs at the club

Whether you have an actual fake ID or someone else's old ID, your chances are about 50/50 as to whether they'll work.

22. Finally graduating and having to deal with your student loans


Some of these might be a bit specific, but I know there are at least a few in here that you can relate to. Let us know about your favorite or your favorite "SpongeBob" moment or quote in the comments!

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