Coldplay Shows What 'A Head Full Of Dreams' Really Is Like
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Coldplay Shows What 'A Head Full Of Dreams' Really Is Like

Coldplay knows what magic and paradise is

Coldplay Shows What 'A Head Full Of Dreams' Really Is Like

I have always loved Coldplay for a really longtime. An old friend of mine introduced the band's song "Viva La Vida" to me nine years ago, and that has been my all-time favorite song by them. I enjoy all of their music from their early days. I think many people don't like their new music because it doesn't sound how they used to be. Newsflash people: artists change their sound all the time, and it's pretty natural too. Look at Taylor Swift, for instance; she went from country to pop.

On Friday, August 4, 2017, I went to Coldplay's "A Head Full Of Dreams" tour with my friend Veronica, and it was such a magical night.

When we walked through the gates of Gillette Stadium, we were handed Xylobands which are wristbands that sync with music and change colors. I was pretty excited for this because I heard these bands were awesome, which they were. When the concert intro started, all the bands in the stadium turned red. When the Xylobands turned on, I knew it was going to be a magical night.

Coldplay opened up with "A Head Full of Dreams," and the crowd suddenly became loud with enthusiasm. The opening song was accompanied by fireworks, and it was hard not be excited. The stage gave off beam lights into the night's sky. Neon lights were everywhere.

After the first song of the setlist, Coldplay dived right into "Yellow" and "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall."

Once the band finished the songs, lead singer, Chris Martin, had a few things to say to the crowd. He told the concert goers to cheer as if it was the Super Bowl and the crowd did just that. Martin also wished Tom Brady a happy birthday, and said that TB12's birthday cake had 56 candles and thought something crazy was going on, joking that Brady was much older than he said he was.

Coldplay played "The Scientist," which is one of my favorite songs, and I sang right along.

When "Paradise" started the Xylobands lit up in all different colors around the venue. It was breathtaking.

Stepping away from the songs that were being performed, Chris Martin was full of energy. Jumping and running around the stage and turning in circles. He was a lot of fun, and the audience kept up with his never-ending bundle of energy. There was a moment during one song (I forget which song) where Martin was running up the catwalk stage back to the other members of the band. Once he got close, he jumped and confetti and fireworks went off the moment he leaped. I was very impressed by how perfect he got the timing.

When "Viva La Vida" came on, the crowd went crazy, and I went crazy. I didn't want this song to end. It never gets old. Before the song came on, Martin asked us if we were ready for another song. He said it was a good one and probably the best one. Before he delved into the lyrics, the drummer, Will Champion, sang the "Oaooh, oooahh" part and the crowd joined him. Definitely the best song of the night.

Martin sang "Something Just Like This" that he and Chainsmokers sing. The band played "Sky Full Of Stars," and the wrist bands turned all white to look like stars. Coldplay ended the concert with Up&Up.

Coldplay knows how to put on a great concert. There were not costume changes, which I appreciated. Martin was interested with the crowd and showed his non-stop energy. This was the most magical concert I have ever been too. I hardly use the word "magical" to describe things, that is how magical this concert was with the Xylobands and the music. I will see them again when they come back to Boston. Anyone and everyone should see this amazing band live at least once.

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