You Cannot Travel Without This Ultimate Packing Guide
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You Cannot Travel Without This Ultimate Packing Guide

How to make even the most stressful part of traveling a breeze!

You Cannot Travel Without This Ultimate Packing Guide

Packing can be the most stressful part of your trip. What is the weather going to be like? What shoes will I want to wear? What am I forgetting? If you know how to prepare you will get it down to simple routine. The list that I compiled below covers the basics and a few of my go-to items. My list might leave out some of your packing essentials but you can customize it to your own preferences to have your own personal packing guide to make your travels as stress free as possible!

First things first, pack your suitcase.

Clothes: Try to pack items that can be mixed and matched in different combinations. Also, remember layers are your best friend!




Weather appropriate clothing

Nice outfit and casual comfortable ones

Shoes that match as many of your outfits as possible



Wrinkle releaser: Good to have so that your clothes still look nice after beign shoved in a bag.

Bathroom Essentials


Hair product


Hair straightener/dryer/curling iron



Face wash


Feminine products


Glasses/contacts /solution


Charging cables


Converter/adapter: If you are traveling out of country they use different outlets and power voltages so you will need one so you can use your electronics.

Game Boy/PSP

Outlet splitter: Hotels often do not have enough outlets for the whole family to plug in their electronics so this adapter comes in really handy!

Also, keep in mind items you will need for your specific destination.


Sports Gear

Gifts for family, etc...

Now for your carry on. It is good to keep items that will keep you comfortable while traveling but also items to freshen up or essentials just in case your luggage is delayed. Keep in mind the regulations.





Activity/puzzle book (crossword, coloring, Sudoku, etc)


Travel journal to note all of your adventures so that you never forget!




Eye covers

Ear plugs

Snacks/Water bottle


Extra set of clothes



Contacts and solution








Tips and tricks

Use a pill box for storing jewelry.

Roll clothing instead of folding them to save room and reduce wrinkles.

Put your shoes in shower caps to keep other items from getting dirty.

Use smaller bags/compartments if you bag doesn't already have them to keep things organized. Make-up bags work really well for this! I use a color coordinated set that i bought super cheap!

Tie a brightly colored cloth or tag or stick patterned duct tape to your suitcase so it is easier to identify among the dozens of other suitcases.

Things I can't travel without. Some are already listed above, but i want to emphasize my most loved travel items.

Headphones: Some airplanes have screens built into the seats but you have to pay for headphones or bring your own

iPod/phone loaded with your favorite music: You will need something to help pass the time or I use it to block out the noise of the plane so that I can sleep.

Blanket and/or neck pillow: A must have on long flights. Flights are a lot less agonizing if you can get comfortable to rest and are not freezing in the cold cabin.

Hand sanitizer: Planes are germy places and the last thing you want is to be sick on your trip.

Snacks: A flight attendant will come around with drinks and a snack but that's often not enough (at least for me)and long flights will have meals and you may order of off their very expensive menu but if you have your own you won't have to worry about spending the money. You never know when your flight will run long and you have to rush to your next flight or get stuck in a long line and have to skip stopping for a real meal. I love granola! I make it myself.

Water bottle to fill up after you get through security. I always try to stay hydrated and I use a filtered bottle to help the flavor of the water from the airport fountain. Or purchase a Gatorade once you are through security to replenish your electrolytes and can also help settle your stomach.

Gum: Makes me feel fresher and helps with releasing the pressure on my ears from the high altitude.

Chapstick/lotion to keep my skin from drying out. Nothing is worse than cracked lips.

Sunglasses or eye mask: Planes will dim the lights during night hours but individuals make have electronics or the personal light on that may disturb your sleep.

Entertainment: I personally like to bring a small coloring book and set of crayola twistables (will not dry out or need to be sharpened and make a mess) to save room but you can bring anything that you enjoy to do that won't disturb those around you.

There you have it! The ultimate packing guide. Reference it for any trip-short or long, in state or out, no matter where you are or where you go you will always be prepared!

Safe travels!

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