Can You Make A Career From Your Passion?
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Can You Make A Career From Your Passion?

Highlight on a Clevelander who is following their dreams.

Can You Make A Career From Your Passion?
Arastasia Photography

Many of us know when we see a beautiful sunset or enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime moment with friends but capturing that moment to have as a keepsake is a different level. Turning your passion into your career is a scary step that many refuse to take in life, let alone at a young age. Meet Arastasia, a small town graduate of community college who has made a name for herself as an artist and business owner. I interviewed Arastasia to help showcase how I believe more individuals should work to make their passion a career.

What was your first job ?

My first job was actually a photography internship. It started as my "senior project" choice my senior year of high school; it was a company called "Lil' Angels." We went to the majority of the Lake & Cuyahoga County daycares and photographed the newborns through kindergartners, then returned in a few weeks to sell the photos to the parents. This is where I first learned not only about photography but also about the business side of photography... after my internship was up, my boss asked if I'd like to join and actually become an employee. My position was photography assistant and sales representative.

Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert? How does that play into being a business owner and professional?

I am 100 percent an extrovert. I just love and adore people. I think this honestly plays as a huge benefit with being a business owner as well as a creative individual. It benefits me as an owner because I am not (typically) afraid or intimidated by people; I can attend a networking event and completely market my business without those jittery feelings of approaching a stranger. It also helps me with the photography side of the business; I can connect with my clients and get to know them simply by talking with them before our shoot... truly learning who they are and what they're going to appreciate through their photographs; At weddings, I often have to photograph large groups, direct random strangers on where to stand... how to pose... and I feel as though being an extrovert really helps me to do this confidently. To sum it up, I basically just love people and I love to talk to people... I connect with my clients and I genuinely care about them, I think this helps them loosen up and feel comfortable during our shoots; or for a bride this might give them a little reassurance that I'm going to know exactly who I'm photographing on their most special day.

When you were a kid what did you think you wanted to grow up to be?

You guessed it... a photographer. I literally have a "journal" from fifth grade that our teachers made us complete... the last chapter of it is talking about what we want to be when we grow up; Mine... even back then... was photography. I used to photograph my younger siblings constantly with my moms little point 'n' shoot camera making them my models. I'm not sure how I knew that it's what I wanted to be but all I can remember is knowing it at a very young age. I consider myself very very blessed in this aspect; not many people can say the same. But ever since I can remember I almost always new my calling or my passion; It was just always a goal of mine and something I knew I would pursue.

Was there ever a breaking point when you felt like this is it to take off on your own as a photographer and leave your job?

Absolutely... I was on my last year of school for my business degree.. I was pretty much at my wits end with my office job; I would say 0 percent of it brought me enjoyment.. I would go into the office every day resenting it and knowing I wasn't doing what I truly wanted in life. I'm not a person who likes to settle... I feel as though if I'm unhappy about something in my life I should change it. I finally hit my breaking point and decided "this is enough... It's time to figure it out" I moved to South Carolina, opened a studio and it worked. Now I'm back in Cleveland doing the same thing... I think it just took me moving out of state to kind of give myself that push. I no longer had that back up plan.. or that job I could go back to. No family to help; It was all me on my own; and if I didn't put my all into making that dream a career I wasn't going to make it.

How do you work to keep a balance with work, family and friends?

I've gotten really good about scheduling. I'll look ahead at my schedule and if I know I'm booked 6 days this week, I am leaving that one day open... completely... to spend time with my friends and family. I think it's important, number one; I don't want to burn myself out, number two. I think it's important to give my clients my full ability and energy.

What would you say to someone who wants to pursue photography as a career?

It's not just about picking up a camera; learn the business side of it and be a business woman/man. Take some business classes or get a degree; your business won't succeed if you don't know how to run it. And of course, keep your passion in it. I think people can tell when you love what you do, and they can tell when you're passionate about them and about their photos; always keep the passion involved and remind yourself what you love so much about it. Even the days when you have tough clients or lower sales... remember, there's always a brighter side and good that can come out of something. An opportunity is never wasted time.

I hope you were able to see why I find Arastasia's personality and passion infectious. Work is not always easy even when you are working in your field but you have to set goals. Having a deep love for your work is so much more rewarding compared to working for someone else's passions. Try to find balance in your own life to keep time for your friends and family while chasing your dreams.

You can find Arastasia at :

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