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57 Items You Can Buy On Amazon For Your College Dorm Now, And Get Before Move-In Day

Get everything you need without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

dorm room cat tapestry
Ashley Lytle

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With the fall semester fast approaching it's about time to start getting ready to make your new place yours. Amazon offers what you need to make your dorm your new home. Style it to show your personality. With Amazon, if you have Prime you get free two-day shipping on all eligible products. Amazon offers a six-month free Prime trial for students with a .edu email. After your first six-months, they continue to help students by offering them continued membership at a discounted rate of $59 a year. Don't forget to use Amazon Smile so you can give back to the charity of your choice while preparing for your dream college experience. With Amazon offering you everything you could possibly need and more, it's a deal that's hard to pass up.

Here are 57 items Amazon has that will fulfill your dorm shopping list:

1. A laptop


My boyfriend was in desperate need of a laptop for his classes but didn't have the money to buy a new one when his stopped working. Through Amazon he was able to buy an Asus laptop and pay it off over five months.

2. Shower caddy


If you're living in the dorms a shower caddy is a must buy. It also helps keep all your bathroom stuff organized and in one place. This way when you're ready to shower you just need to grab the caddy and go. I recommend the Attmu Mesh Shower Caddy. It was always quick to dry. Large enough it held everything I needed, and I always kept a lot in there. It never got moldy and lasted me the entire year.

3. Your textbooks


I recommend having Amazon as one of the sites you always check when shopping for your textbooks. Sometimes I would use Amazon even if I found it cheaper elsewhere if the textbook was able to be sold back to them. I was able to sell several of my Amazon textbooks back to Amazon once I was finished with them. You can also rent your textbooks through them. The other great thing about them is that a lot of the textbooks are prime eligible so if you're someone who waits until classes start to see if you actually need all the books then you can get your books to you in a timely manner without breaking the bank.

4. Laundry hamper


I bought a combo pack of PRO-MART DAZZ mesh laundry hampers for my dorm room. The smaller square one I put in my closet to hold all my shoes and then I got a taller one for my clothing. I checked the measurements of bed and decided I wanted it half lofted. The taller of the baskets fit under my bed keeping it out of the way. I had to go downstairs to use the laundry and the baskets never broke. I still use them now that I live in an apartment.

5. Bedside caddy with velcro’s

I bought a bedside caddy to attach to my dorm bed, so I could keep notebooks, textbooks, and pens when studying. It's also useful to hold remotes, your phone, calculators, and your glasses. If you don't buy one with Velcro it will often fall off and you'll have to readjust it as I learned. I recommend the Fancii 10 Pocket Bedside Caddy. It's large and lasted me the whole year.

6. Waterproof speaker

Having music in the showers is really nice and it's definitely worth investing in a waterproof speaker. I have an iHome speaker and it is super portable and works great

7. Silverware

I didn't want to use plastic silverware as I'm big on limiting my waste. I bought a set of Bon Brasserie 20-Piece Stainless Steel Flatware Silverware and kept them in my dorm room to use when I made food in the microwave or bought it from the campus store downstairs. They were easy to wash and worked great!

8. Bowls

Perfect for roman, soup, or of course ICE CREAM! I bought a set of eight of Fresco 28-ounce Plastic Cereal/Soup Bowls in four assorted colors.

9. Wallet

My days of large wallets ended when I started college. I needed a smaller more portable wallet to carry with me. I bought a ZHOMA RFID Blocking wallet. I would attach it to my lanyard where my keys were.

10. Shelving

Ashley Lytle

Instead of buying and transporting a shelving unit. I bought the Whitmor Storage Cubes – Stackable Interlocking Wire Shelves.

11. Key rack

I hung a key rack up in my room where my roommate and I would hang our keys. To get the most out of my space I bought amDesign Mail, Letter Holder, Key Rack Organizer with Dry-Erase Board. It served three tasks taking up minimal space on my wall.

12. Hammock

Ashley Lytle

Get a hammock for those nice days on campus. It's a great place to study or just relax. I've taken naps in mine with friends during summer. I purchased a double Esup hammock and bought my cousin a single Esup hammock for his birthday last December.

13. Tapestry

Ashley Lytle

Make your room your own with a tapestry. It's a great way to decorate your walls with the limited options available. I got this super cute cat tapestry for under $15!

14. Mugs


For coffee and hot chocolate! There’s also these microwave cakes/brownies you can buy and make in a coffee mug which makes for a great movie night snack.

15. Blankets


Stay warm and comfy with whatever blanket suits your needs the best. Buy one to take to football or hockey games, or just to keep in your dorm room.

16. Socks

I bought a set of warm socks for winter by Loritta and I love them. They're soft and keep my feet incredibly warm and comfortable.

17. Snacks

Most of the snack packs offer options to buy once or to subscribe and get them however often you want. Their content varies also. I bought a snack pack over a month ago for my two roommates and I and it still isn't gone.

18. Umbrella

Don't get soaked trying to walk across campus, buy an umbrella! I bought my friend this Harry Potter themed one for Christmas.

19. Portable charger

There's usually at least one on sale through Amazon's lightning deals. I have two. I always have one charged up this way to take with me.

20. Bedrest

They're a comfortable tool to use when studying in bed.

21. Desk lamp


Pick whichever lamp fits your style and be able to study late at night without bothering your roommate with keeping the room light on.

22. Pillows

Ashley Lytle

From regular pillows to throw pillows to further show your personality and style, Amazon has it all.

23. HDMI Cable

Great for hooking your laptop up to your TV to stream movies.

24. Hidden book safe

Dorm rooms aren't always the most secure so keep your stuff safe and hidden with a secret safe inside a book.

25. Loofah

A shower essential. There's some really good combo pack deals to be delivered straight to your dorm.

26. First-aid kit

Be prepared for any emergency or minor injury by keeping a first aid kit in your room. From a paper cut to falling and hitting your head make sure you have the tools to care for yourself.

27. Drawer storage organizer boxes

Get some foldable drawer organizers to help make use of the drawer space you have. I used mine to separate clothing types to utilize my space and make it easier to find what I needed.

28. Hydro flask


Get one that can keep stuff hot or cold to get the most out of it.

29. Bookends

Keep your bookshelves organized and from falling over by buying some bookends. It's also a great way to personalize your room even more.

30. Sunglasses case

Keeps your glasses from breaking while in your bag and allows you to more comfortably carry them around until you need them.

31. Desk organizer

Get something for the top of your desk to help keep your pens and other office supplies organized and out of your way.

32. School supplies

Amazon has all the school supplies you could need every day of the year. If you run out of anything in the middle of the semester, all you have to do is go order it on Amazon and it will arrive within a couple days with prime.

33. Keurig


Your Keurig would be good for coffee, hot chocolate, cider, tea, and roman noodles!

34. Clothing

Amazon has a program where you can order clothes, try them on, and then return what you don't want.

35. Fans

Fans are essential especially if you don't have air conditioning in your dorm.

36. Foldable chairs

It's a great way to utilize space. When you have guests over or want to relax in a chair you can take it out but when it's not in use it can be folded up and put away not taking up a ton of your limited space.

37. TV stand

Don't bother buying one from the store and transporting it back to your dorm. Amazon will deliver it to you and all you have to do is transport it to your room and set it up.

38. Mini fridge

Another college essential. Personally I love the ones that double as a dry erase board!

39. Futon

Since dorm rooms are so small, you have to utilize space any way you can. A great way to do that is with a futon. Have a couch that can turn into a bed for any visitors you may have.

40. Command strips

I highly recommend having some in your room at all times because they're so useful.

41. Christmas lights


A great way to decorate your room while adding another light source to your room.

42. Cups

Milk, water, juice, or whatever drink you want requires a cup to drink it.

43. Microwave

A must-have for those cheap microwave meals or for heating up leftovers. Amazon has all the options you need to fit the rules your residence hall has.

44. Phone charger

Buy an Amazon basic charger and it comes with a 12-month warranty which replaces your charger if it stops working during that time period.

45. Power strip

Another tool to help you function within your dorm room.

46. Headphones/earbuds


Sometimes you can't get any privacy in dorms and having a way to escape and shut out the world can be nice. Also handy for when your roommate is trying to sleep but you want to listen to music or watch Netflix.

47. Waterproof laptop case

Protecting your laptop from weather damage and an easy way to carry it to wherever you need to go.

48. Air freshener

Residence halls can get smelly and having an air freshener of any kind can truly make a huge difference.

49. Firestick

A great way to watch movies or stream Netflix. Bring your Prime experience to your TV.

50. Bedding


Get the perfect bedding to match your style on Amazon from their hundreds of selections.

51. Mattress pad

Dorm beds aren't always the most comfortable. Buying a mattress pad can truly make a huge difference in your level of comfort. My boyfriend used on his floor under his bunk to create a sweet hangout spot. He covered it with blankets and put his TV at one end of the mattress pad. He then tucked a blanket under his mattress to drape down. This created a nice little hangout cave for him to feel like he had some privacy and also served as a second bed at times when he had guests over.

52. Pots and pans

Some residence halls have kitchens for you to use. Making your own food sometimes can be healthier for you and offer an opportunity to get away from the same old dining room food you've had before. It might also be more convenient than traveling across campus to eat at the only open dining place late at night.

53. Plates

Another essential for eating food or meals in your dorm room.

54. Towels

If you don't have any to take from home, Amazon has a large selection to fit your needs.

55. Bathrobe

My biggest fear was my towel falling as I traveled from the showers back to my room and if you have a similar fear I highly recommend investing in a bathrobe or two. I had two. One that was fluffy and warm for the winter and another that was lighter for warmer months.

56. Baskets for storage

Another tool to help you utilize most of the space given to you. Keep your stuff organized and quick to find in an easily cluttered space.

57. Hangers


I don't know about you, but I feel as if I can never have enough hangers. Here's a quick hack to keep your clothing from falling off. Buy some rubber bands and wrap them around the ends of the hangers. This helps prevent your clothing from sliding off.

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