Bose Frames Are The Next Step In Technology College Students Should Take Notice Of | The Odyssey Online
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Bose Frames Are The Next Step In Technology College Students Should Take Notice Of

Ever wonder what it's like to listen to music and soak up the sun?

Bose Frames Are The Next Step In Technology College Students Should Take Notice Of
Nicholas McWilliams personal photo

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Imagine a device so powerful you don't ever need to forget your headphones.

Bose Frames is the product of fusing two great summer things together, sunglasses and headphones. These sunglasses come in two styles, alto, and rondo. The Rondo are the ones featured in the photo above. If you want to know if these frames are right for you then sit back, relax, and let's take a trip on why these are my favorite things on the market right now.

Bose Frames have actually been out since the beginning of the year and just started hitting retailers this past week. No, this concept is not new and it has been created before. However, Bose has managed to take the concept and almost perfect it.

I use these daily on my commute to school and to work. We actually have a kiosk of these at Best Buy if anyone wanted to come to try them on to see if it's you. Bose claims you get about 3.5 hours of use out of these and that is with a 2-hour charge. On standby, I get about a day to two days out of them before I have to charge them again.

IO: The Bose Frames have one single multi-functional button that works when you need it too. One long hold powers the device, one press plays music, double click changes song, and triple click goes back a song. Note ( I have found that using my voice assistant helps adjust the volume to my liking). There is a proprietary charger that is needed to charge these so if that breaks you are out of luck. And lastly tilting the glasses on its back turns them off. The app allows for battery saving as well.

Style: Okay so there are two frames only the Alto and the Rondo. I get it, but maybe down the road, more frames will make their way into existence.

Functionality: These are where the Bose Frames rise high to the sky. Especially being a prescription wearer for glasses. Once I get my prescription lenses put into these, these Bose Frames will be my daily. You can literally control everything on your phone with a push of a button. Once the Bose Connect App (Free to download) is up and running, you have full access to how you want the frames to work. With a few tweaks on the app and the phone's volume, they sound decent. You can also adjust the volume to your liking without anyone else hearing you. That is where these shine the most. They can be loud enough for you to enjoy your music without disturbing anyone around you, but at the same time, you can still have an open ear in case someone tries to talk to you.



-discrete music listening

-works with voice assistant

-hands-free calling


-battery life

-style availability




Verdict: Do these replace your current pair of headphones? Nah, I still recommend keeping your headphones with you in case you are heavily invested in music. I do recommend these as they are versatile, extremely portable, and super comfortable. A huge plus if you wear glasses and don't mind getting them fit for prescription lenses.

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