"You shouldn't stay in your hometown for college."
"You need to leave home to truly find yourself."
"You can't experience anything new if you stay here."
These are all things people hear on a regular basis before they begin their college career. The need to "leave the nest" is so strong by the time you're a senior in high-school, that most young adults want to get as far away as possible from their hometown. Leaving the nest and spreading your wings is something that we all must learn to do, but you can spread your wings right at home.
I was born and bred in Syracuse, NY, and the only time I've ever left the country was for a day trip to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. So, when it came time for me to transfer from my local two year institution, I felt that it was only obvious I should attend one of the most reputable schools in the country for my major. It just so happens that institution is right in my backyard.
And you know what? I couldn't be more thrilled. Sure, everyone dreams of leaving their hometown and accepting the challenge of moving to a big city to re-create themselves, but what about the challenge of staying local? The challenge is not only staying close to your over-bearing family, but also learning how to grow in a stagnant environment.
By staying home, you save money. And as a college student, I think it's safe to say, the fewer the student loans, the better. You also get to know your city as an adult. You are no longer the teenager with a fake ID that doesn't get you into bars. You're the adult that has no fear of getting kicked out of the same bars and can get wasted with no shame. You get to know your city even deeper than before and learn to appreciate it for all that it is.
Now, there can be drawbacks to staying home, but don't be afraid to stand up to those challenges. Sure, it will be tough to get people who have known you for your entire life to view you in a new light, but more often than not, that is what people have to do. You can't always run away from your circumstances. There may be the unfortunate sighting of an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, but who says that has to be a bad thing? No matter where you go , you're going to want to avoid someone. But at the end of the day, they're just another person that is just like you.
Leave your city; stay at home. The choice is yours, but don't forget, there are people that came to your city to start a new life.