7 Books That Are NOT In The Young Adult Genre That Will Change Your Life
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7 Books That Are NOT In The Young Adult Genre That Will Change Your Life

Young Adult isn't the only genre that exists, so here are seven books that any book lover wanting to try something new will love.

7 Books That Are NOT In The Young Adult Genre That Will Change Your Life

One of the most popular genres in literature that everyone has read at least one book from is Young Adult fiction. Now, I personally can say that, in the past, I have been one of those people that only read from the YA section of the bookstore.
While there is absolutely nothing wrong with just reading one genre, it's good sometimes to venture out of your reading comfort zone into the other book genres of the literary world.

In a previous article, I discussed the importance and power of words. The perfect example of this is literature and its impact on the world. Books have always played a crucial part in human lives, from how we are able to expand our knowledge to how we pass our time.

Literature holds so much power that there have even been time periods in our history where governments all over the world have felt threatened by its power and acted to eliminate it. But every time this has happened, people have acted and fought for the right to uncensor the knowledge they are allowed to learn.

Which is why I wanted to share my favorite books that have changed my life. These are books that have caused me to question and to learn.

1. "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak 

This was one of the first books that I ever read that wasn't in the YA or kid genre. It's a book that will show you the true power of literacy, love, mortality, morality, courage, and suffering. It will also show you the greatness and harshness of humanity. This book honestly changed my life, and I promise it will change yours', too.

2. "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury

There are many books that are prophetic of what is to come in life or what continues to be repeated in history, and this is one of them. This book deals with the conflict between free will of thought and censorship. It's based around a society that is controlled by their government through fear.

The government also got rid of all literature so that people will be ignorant to any other point of view, and citizens are given only one political choice. It's a society that forbids any freedom of thought or will. I personally think this is a book that everyone should read because it shows the damage of censorship and overreach by the government.

3. "Picture of Dorian Grey" by Oscar Wilde

I will admit that this book does get a bit confusing at times because Oscar Wilde loves to use metaphorical language. I promise, though, you won't regret reading it if you do. It's a classic novel that deals with the complex relationship that is between morality and beauty. It also discusses how superficial society is because of how they value beauty higher than morality. It's main message is that the public/society is easily manipulated by appearance.

4. "Little Women" by Louisa May Alcott

Out of personal preference, I don't usually read books told from a female perspective, but this book completely changed my mind about it. While love stories are prevalent in this novel, the main love story is the one between family.

This book highlights the importance of family and the strength that comes from having strong family relationships. If you are a sibling, and a sister especially, this story will speak to you. I bet you that you will be able to find at least one March sister to relate to.

5. "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom 

Be prepared for waterworks when you read this one. Based on a true story, "Tuesdays with Morrie" deals with the realization of what truly matters in life. It's a story that shows the importance of relationships by showing a true friendship that is between the author and his old college professor.

The core message of this book is that there is truly nothing greater in life than love, whether it be familial, platonic, or romantic. I recommend this book because it teaches lessons that everyone can learn from.

6. "Mama’s Boy" by Dustin Lance Black 

Another tearjerker. This memoir tells the story of a gay Morman man from Texas, Dustin Lance Black, and his Mormon conservative mother.

Even though they had differences in beliefs and opinions, they were able to work through them for the sake of the love that they had for each other. It also shows the power of reconciliation and the importance of family. I believe now that this is a book that everyone should read and learn from.

7. "Stephen King on Writing" by Stephen King

If you love books as much as I do and want to understand the process that an author goes through to write a novel, you will love this book. Stephen King shares helpful advice that any aspiring writer will want to know and explains why each step of his process or advice is important.

This book is classified as a memoir, so not only does he share his writing process, but he also shares how the events in his life led to him making each step. Even if you're not an aspiring writer or fan of his works, you will still find this to be an interesting story.

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