There is no question that tablets, Kindles, Nooks, etc., are a lot more convenient than carrying heavy books around. I, for one, refuse to go along with the mainstream and hang on to my worn out, possibly stained books that may or may not have the corners of the pages folded over.
Here are my reasons why printed books are better than e-books.
Trips to the library and bookstores are a great experience!
I remember when I first stepped into a public library. My eyes were filled with wonder when I looked at shelves among shelves full of books. If my mom would have allowed it, I would have stayed in there for hours just picking out books and taking them to the tables to read. One of the hardest decisions I had to make was to decide on what books to check out, and my mom would have reassure me that we would come back after I finished reading the ones I had.
E-books do not give you that kind of experience.
Checking out books from the library teaches kids to be responsible. They have to realize that these books do not belong to them, and they must be returned after a certain amount of time. E-books do not teach you that. Trips to bookstores are another unique adventure. There is just something about shopping for books in Books-A-Million or Barnes & Noble that just cannot be compared to anything else. You are in a room filled with knowledge, and it is simply majestic.
It is more rewarding.
You know that feeling you get when you finish a good book? Sure, when you finish reading a book on your Kindle you can get that feeling, but it is just not the same as when you read a thick book that you’ve held in your hands. When you are able to remove your bookmark and close the back cover of a book for the last time, the feeling that emerges cannot be replicated with an E-book. That “feeling” I am referring to is called self-achievement.
You can share a book with a friend.
Any real bookworm would know that this takes a lot of trust because sharing a book is like letting someone babysit your newborn. You want to share your book because good stories are meant to be shared and discussed, but you have to give them a list of when and where they are allow to read your book. The rules of sharing a book mean that the book does not go outside in direct sunlight to get sun damage, get taken to school or work, get read in the bath, get opened while eating or drinking, have dirty hands touching it, and many other things. When the book is finally returned to you, you have to do a thorough inspection. With e-books, all you have to do is click “lend book.” It’s not personal, and it shows the lack of having a special connection with your books.
Textbooks are better for studying.
I am basing this on my own experience. I have to have an actual textbook to study rather than an online one. I need to be able to highlight important information and make notes in the margins. Reading a textbook online just does not stick with me. It needs to be tangible.
Books do not need to be recharged.
Lastly, the most obvious reason. A real book won’t die on you. It is so frustrating when you are in the middle of a suspenseful chapter, and then, all of a sudden, your battery is dying. A book would never fail you like that. If you want to spend your day off reading, then you can without having a worry in the world.
In conclusion, printed books are better than e-books.