ther it be going into a bookstore with empty hands, and leaving with twenty pounds of books, or lying on the grass on a sunny breezy day reading a book, we have all been there. Or at least, those who live that book loving life have been there. Here is a list of 17 things that you, my book loving brethran, might be able to relate to. So keep calm, and read on!
1. You never have enough shelf space.
2. It doesn't matter where you are going, when you see a sign for a book sale, all plans come to a halt:
3. Chanel #5 doesn't hold a candle to new or old book smell.
4. When you read a book, fall in love with it, and now it is your sole mission to MAKE EVERYONE ELSE LOVE IT AS MUCH AS YOU!
5. When you are on the VERY last few pages, and someone tries to ask you what you are reading or otherwise tries to instigate conversation.
6. When a book gets you all emotional and causes you to cry/yell at the character/blush/exclaim and you are in a public place when all these feels are going down.