5 Signs Your Body Is Not Responding Well To Your Sleeping Routine
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5 Signs Your Body Is Not Responding Well To Your Sleeping Routine

Snooze.. Snoozee Snooze

5 Signs Your Body Is Not Responding Well To Your Sleeping Routine

The older we get, the more difficult it seems to get a good night's sleep. Sometimes this may not happen, having those kinds of days where work or home life is the priority, it can get in the way of getting that full night sleep that you need. Over the years, our lifestyle has become even busier, and our attachments to many devices only increase. That is why is so important to let your body disconnect and relax to recharge for the next day.

But if you did have a good night's sleep and still feel tired during your day, maybe your sleeping routine may be hurting you in unexpected ways. Here are 5 signs your body is not responding well to your sleeping routine and how you can fix it.

1. Your skin isn't flawless as usual

When you feel tired, the first place where it notices is in your face. When you get a good night's sleep your body works at night to switch your dead blood cells and replace the old ones for new blood and brain cells. If this process doesn't happen efficiently your skin will feel dehydrated due to the lack of your pH levels, creating an imbalance that causes dryness and need of moisturizing.

That's why having a skincare routine before bed and a lot amount of sleep can be critical to your beauty regimen. Sometimes a good night sleep is not always possible, that is why keeping your face clean and moisturized will prevent breakouts and dark circles giving you a clean and refreshed face.

2. You’re waking up dripping in sweat

As you're drowsing into dreamland, your body's core temperature slowly increases producing melatonin and growth hormone, both really important for fixes and anti-aging assuring a good night's sleep. But if your room is in a warm temperature, your body will try to cool itself causing you to sweat. Maybe, try to keep your room temperature cool enough between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit during nighttime, so this way you can avoid waking up drenched in sweat.

3. You feel that you had no sleep

This may seem pretty obvious, I mean nobody wants to wake up to the alarm clock at 7:00 am, but if you feel like regularly waking up tired and that you can stay in bed all day, there is a good chance that your sleeping routine is not working.

That saying about listening to your body is completely true, there is no better machine than your body. So, if you are feeling tired this may be caused by lifestyle factors such as alcohol consumption before bed, irregular bedtime hours, jet lag or even an unhealthy diet. Also, emotional problems such as anxiety and stress can even cause sleep disorder over time.

This can be helped by avoiding excessive alcohol consumption near your bedtime, limiting your devices, and trying a balanced and nutritious diet can help improve your wakings each day.

4. You're hungry all the time

Digestive health and sleep go hand in hand. Did you know that what, when and how much you eat can impact your sleep quality? Well, if you find yourself hungry all the time, you might want to try different eating habits.

Finding a balance in between eating a pizza before bed and going to bed on an empty stomach can affect both the quality of sleep and your metabolism. When you eat very heavy foods before bed such as pizza, it creates the perfect environment for disrupted sleep, this happens because our stomach has the skilled ability to pump out acid every time we eat. Causing people to feel that unpleasant symptom of acid reflux that hits your throat with a cringe-worthy taste of food puke or sour liquid.

If you go to bed on an empty stomach it can cause your brain to be mentally alert when hunger strikes during the night, causing a difficulty on getting a full night's rest. Also, not eating before bed can lower your metabolism and increases your levels of hormone Ghrelin, or also known as "hunger hormone" boosting your appetite and potentially weight gain. That is why making sure that your last meal of the day is smaller and lighter can make you have a better rest for the next morning.

5. Concentration and focus are really hard

Have you ever experience reading the same page of the book over and over again because you lose your attention and are actually thinking is something else? Well, this may be linked to your sleeping habits.

When you are not sleeping enough, its more difficult for your brain to stay alert and focused, which also affects your performance on any task. This happens because your levels of cortisol increase causing cognitive dysfunction. By disconnecting from your devices early and having a night ritual can help you have a better sleep and potentially making your concentration and focus valuable for whatever task you may have.

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