Blair Waldorf's Guide To Romance
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Blair Waldorf's Guide To Romance

Who would be better to offer their perspective on love than the Queen B herself?

Blair Waldorf's Guide To Romance

With Valentine’s Day just passing, I feel it’s the appropriate time to write an article on love. Love is one of the most intense and powerful human emotions. Despite its intensity, love can also be the most complicated and confusing. Every avid Gossip Girl fan, such as myself, idolizes Chuck and Blair’s relationship. Only an emotion so powerful as love could change the stone cold heart of Chuck Bass and the selfish lifestyle of Blair. Who would be better to offer love advice than from the Queen B herself?

1. Hold your standards high.

All so often, girls don’t value themselves to the highest regard. Remember you are beautiful, you are amazing, you are unique, and you deserve a partner that views you in that same light. If we as women don’t hold ourselves to a higher standard, then how do we expect to find a partner that’s going to view us highly? In order for someone to love you, first you have to love yourself. Never settle for someone that offers you less than you deserve, and doesn’t remind you every day how special you truly are.

2. Remove the people from the past that are holding you back.

As girls, we have a tendency to dwell on our past relationships and love interests. Ladies, our ex’s are ex’s for a reason! Instead of going back to the guy that broke your heart, or the guy that cheated on you, move on. If it didn’t work the first time, there usually is a reason. Don’t ignore that reason. This is easier said than done, and it will take time. Delete his number, stop lurking on his social media, and focus on your happiness. Remove the people that are toxic and holding you back from finding the one that’s truly meant for you.

3. Acknowledge your first love and the lessons they taught you.

Your first love was an important figure in your life. Your love taught you a lot of lessons, and set the bar high for what you want in a relationship. This is something that you will always appreciate. This person will be the one that you will compare all other relationships too. Thank this person for showing you what is out there and showing you love does exist. Thank them for giving you this indescribable feeling. Let them know that they will hold a very special place in your heart that no one can replace even if you can’t be together.

4. Don’t overthink your emotions; go with your gut.

Women have a natural inclination to overthink things. We lie awake in bed thinking about what life would be like if we were still with that person, or thinking about our newest crush. I’ve spent numerous sleep deprived nights contemplating my life, and not once have I woken up the next day grateful for the clarity I received. Overthinking never rationalizes our feelings. Feelings don’t make sense. Love doesn’t make sense. Follow your heart and go with your gut. That is the only thing that matters.

5. Don’t run from your feelings.

If you don’t put yourself out there and put your heart on the line, you will live your whole life plagued by the dreaded what if. If you have feelings for someone, let them know. Tell them how you feel before it’s too late, because chances are they feel the same way. You don’t want to look back with regret. State your feelings and make them known. Running from your feelings may seem like a temporary fix; however, eventually they will catch up to you.

6. If you want something, go for it.

Everyone can relate to that feeling where they have a crush on someone but don’t know quite how to approach the situation. Instead of waiting for that day to come when he magically confesses he’s felt the same way, take matters into your own hands. Who said girls can’t be assertive? Sometimes you have to make the first move in order to see if there is something there. Even though society tells us it’s the males role to make the first move this is 2016, anything goes. Love is worth putting yourself out there.

7. Don't overlook the boy who has been there all along.

There always seems to be that boy who has stuck around through it all. The one that was always there for you when you needed a shoulder to cry on, the one that texts you just to check in and make sure you’re doing okay. If you read this and a certain person popped in your mind don’t ignore that sign. Someone who is willing to stick around through the good and the bad, the crazy and the sane, and all that life throws your direction is worth opening your heart to. If they haven’t left yet, they’re in it for the long haul.

Maybe the right person has been right in front of you all along and you've just been to blind to see it.

8. Always wear your heart on your sleeve.

There is no such thing as the ideal time to find love. Love happens when you least expect it. It always happens that the moment you stop looking and let your guard down. Just when you feel like there is no one out there for you someone will come and prove you wrong. Even if you feel like you’re willing to call it quits and become a cat lady, continue to have an open heart.

9. When you find that special someone, don’t take them for granted.

When you find that person that's different from all the others don’t take them for granted. The kind of love you share is a special rarity in todays society and deserves to be celebrated. Give your partner validation. Tell them every day you love them and are grateful for making you a better person. Take that initial spark and attraction and build a foundation for a relationship that will last. Love takes time and patience, but in the end it’s all worth it.

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