Your Favorite Tea, According To Your Zodiac Sign
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The Type Of Tea You Love WAY Too Much To Spill, According To Your Zodiac Sign

It's just your cup of tea.

The Type Of Tea You Love WAY Too Much To Spill, According To Your Zodiac Sign

For me, chai isn't just what I drink — it's a core part of who I am. Sure, I'll switch it up every now and then with a cup of English Breakfast, Earl Grey, rose, or Darjeeling, but I always come back to chai.

Nearly every tea lover has one tea they repeatedly drink and go back to, whether it's a daily morning ritual or an afternoon pick-me-up. One of my good friends has almost eight cups of jasmine tea every single day — she drinks more tea than water, actually.

Whatever your level of tea obsession may be, the leafy drink you choose to sip on has a lot to do with who you are in the essence of your being — how strong it is, whether you add milk or sugar, and if you like it hot or cold says a lot about who you are.

This is the type of tea you are based on your zodiac sign:

Aries (March20 - April 19) — Earl Grey Tea


You like your tea without the frills of sugar and milk, but you're sensitive which is why the depth of an earl grey tea with the nuances of bergamot orange speak to your spirit.

Taurus (April 19 - May 20) — English Breakfast Tea with milk and sugar


You're incredibly loyal, Taurus, which is why an old standby like English Breakfast is perfect for you. Because you like the finer things in life, indulging in some milk and sugar makes this a treat you love luxuriating in.

But no matter how much you blend in it, there's no masking your stubborn, strong tastes.

Gemini (May 20 - June 20) — Traditional Chai


Your robust personality is unique and easy to pick out in a crowd. The second someone has a taste of you, they know they're trying something special. Chai is meant to be shared with friends, which is perfect for the social butterfly you are, Gemini.

With all your loud spontaneity, there's a deep part of you that craves depth and authenticity, which is why you take your chai with all the traditional blends — cardamom and ginger steeped with black tea leaves, blended with milk and sugar.

Cancer (June 20 - July 22) — Ceylon White Tea


A mild-tasting white tea is perfect for the homebody you are, Cancer. You know better than anyone that you can be a bit emotional, so the slight sweet taste of Ceylon white tea is perfect for balancing you out.

Leo (July 23 - August 22) — Birthday Cake Tea With Edible Glitter


You're a total show-off, Leo, so if you're having tea, it's probably just as an excuse to take a cute pic of it. Like some edible sugar glitter, you're not everyone's cup of tea, but the people who do like you absolutely love you.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22) — Da-Hong Pao Tea


The most expensive tea in the world, you're a fan of being patient and unlike a lot of us, it's easy for you to patiently wait for the best things in life.

The creative side of you loves the story behind the tea as being an integral part of the Ming dynasty, to the point at which has been declared a national treasure by the Chinese government.

Libra (September 23 - October 22) — Chamomile Tea with real chamomile flowers


Your charm is universally-loved, Libra. Everyone has had, enjoyed, and craved a cup of chamomile at some point in their life.

Part of your allure is your incredible passion — a simple tea bag isn't enough for you. Your passion for equality means you only use the most ethically-manufactured chamomile flowers that come closest to you picking them from your homegrown garden yourself.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 22) — Darjeeling Illuminate Tea


Just like this Darjeeling tea with surprise notes of rose and calendula petals hiding in its blend, you're one of the most secretive people most of us have met, Scorpio.

Your passionate personality is incredibly purposeful — you do nothing without meaning, just like the refreshing rose and bold Darjeeling in this blend.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) — Turmeric Spice Tea


You're incredibly adventurous, Sagittarius, which is why this exotic turmeric spiced tea is idyllic for you. Sipping on it is as close as you can get to a beverage-based transformative experience.

Capricorn (December 21 - January 21) — Lavender Tea


We love you for your passionate ambition, Capricorn, but you have to admit you can also be the pessimistic Eeyore in most groups. Calming and soothing lavender reflects your somewhat stoic mood, but it's also a blend every single tea lover feels comfortable and familiar with every now and then when we need a healthy dose of reality to bring us down to earth.

Aquarius (January 22 - February 20) — Matcha Green Tea


You're kind of a loner, Aquarius. Nothing is more valuable to you than the quiet moments you get to yourself, which can be hard since you're so universally loved.

You don't have the loudest or most bold flavor, but you're so easygoing that you can be paired with basically anything from milk and honey to espresso and sugar for the best taste.

Pisces (February 21-March20) — Gunfire: black tea with rum


You're everybody's first call for the night's we know we want to have a good time, but you're also the best person to sit down with for a deep, emotional chat.

You're everyone's best friend for your warmth and the first to get invited to every party for the way you have of livening up any room you walk into with your lighthearted vibes and knack for storytelling.

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