3. Girl from the North Country - Bob Dylan with Johnny Cash | The Odyssey Online
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8 Songs To Listen To If You Feel Like Crying

We all need a good cry sometimes, make the experience more cinematic with some sad tunes.

8 Songs To Listen To If You Feel Like Crying

It's winter and we are all feeling a little seasonal depression, why not seep into your own misery with songs that will make you even more sad? Haven't thought about your ex in a while, well get ready because most of these are about lost love. These are in no particular order because they all have their special way of being sad af.

1. Harvest Moon - Neil Young


One of the most nostalgic and heartbreaking songs in my collection, listen only if you want to reminisce about a love you never had.

2. The Night We Met - Lord Huron


Sure this may be the "sad song" from 13 Reasons Why, but if you can get past that, sink into the desperation of a man yearning for the love of the one who left him. Pro tip: listen while wistfully looking out of your car window.

3. Girl from the North Country - Bob Dylan with Johnny Cash


This is and will forever remain one of my favorite songs ever. The unrehearsed quality just makes the genuine feel of the song even stronger. Again, about lost love but I mean that sh*t is sad.

4. Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy


Now there are many recordings of this popular composition, but make sure you look for the one by François-Joël Thiollier!!!! It is breathtaking, This song is for all the people who want to cry, but about nothing in particular. No need for lost love here, just beautiful music.

5. Homebody - Nai Palm


I cannot describe the immense beauty in this song. It is not sad, but it will make you cry. It's all about finding home inside of yourself and how time heals all wounds. The vocals of Nai Palm are UNMATCHED. She is my hero. Feel free to also check out Hiatus Kaiyote if you want some cool tunes.

6.  When the Night Comes - Dan Auerbach


Another good ass song, Dan's voice is perfection. This one is about actual love that hasn't been lost yet, which could either be a reprieve from the rest of the songs or make you feel even more lonely.

7. Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley


I have been listening to this song since probably the 7th grade, so like 10 years at this point. It will not make me sad as hell. As I grow up, I keep finding different meanings in the lyrics which makes my connection to the song even stronger.

8. Intertwined - Dodie


If you're into pondering your own morality, this is the song for you. All about time passing, love coming and going, children growing, and ships passing, this song will definitely have you in some feels.

Honestly, this list was way harder to make than I thought it would be because apparently, all I listen to are sad songs. But now that I've discovered that I'm way more emo than I thought, hopefully, you can too. Enjoy!

Honorable mentions: Re:Stacks- Bon Iver, Passing Afternoon- Iron & Wine

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