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12 Enlightened Ice Cream Pint Flavors, Ranked

I've tried (most of) them all and these are my favorites!

12 Enlightened Ice Cream Pint Flavors, Ranked
Lauren Burkholder

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If you have not heard of Enlightened ice cream, I will give you a brief explanation. Basically, it is one of the "healthy" ice cream options available at the grocery store, having a higher protein and lower fat and calorie content than regular ice cream. I tend to eat a lot of their products, so here is a list of my top twelve favorite flavors!

1. Snickerdoodle Cookie.

All the cinnamon-y deliciousness of a snickerdoodle cookie BUT in ice cream form.

2. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

They are quite generous with the chewy cookie dough CHUNKS!

3. Ooey Gooey Cinnamon Bun.

Chunks of cinnamon buns in cinnamon ice cream... AND it's dairy free!

4. Sea Salt Caramel

It's just simply delicious.

5. Movie Night.

It doesn't taste like popcorn as it claims to, BUT it is sweet and salty... maybe like caramel corn????

6. Mint Chocolate Chip.

Although I would before mint chocolate chip-LESS.

7. Toasted Almond.

I'm not sure how to describe this flavor other than YUM.

8. S'mores.

A little too much fudge swirl for my taste, but still banging.

9. Bananas Foster.

Creamy banana ice cream with caramel swirls.

10. White Chocolate Raspberry.

Tip: if you add nut butter, it's like a nut butter and jelly sandwich... but in ice cream form!

11. Vanilla.

What can I say, vanilla ice cream will always hold a spot in my heart.

12. Cold Brew Latte.

Taste just like a creamy iced coffee!

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