8 Netflix Show And Movies To Binge Watch This Month | The Odyssey Online
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8 Netflix Show And Movies To Binge Watch This Month

Warning: You might binge watch them all...

8 Netflix Show And Movies To Binge Watch This Month

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We've all been there. Tired of rewatching the same show or perhaps tired of waiting for Netflix to finally post the new season to our shows. I'm about to introduce you to a list of shows and movies that you probably have passed by on your Netflix screen and perhaps judged the book by its cover.

1. "Safe"

Safe's neighborhood is full of secrets and mysteries that have been buried behind their safe gates. One episode won't be enough, once you begin you will binge watch it as you try to connect all the dots together. After Jenny Delany's mother dies, she leaves behind many secrets behind those "safe" gates and Jenny goes missing after she finds some of the answers. There is death and some drama involved as the typical teenagers get involved with the adult's past. The show consists of eight episodes, and although you may wonder why there's no second season after that; it is because you may find the answers at the end of the show.

2. "Room"

A woman is raped and kidnapped, she gives birth to a boy. They are both held hostage for five years in Room. It is an emotional and heartbreaking movie that once you begin to watch, you will watch it until the end. It is based on a novel, so if you truly enjoy it you can also continue with the novel. There is a whole world outside Room that went on without them, will they make it out?

3. "The Fall"

After both watching and reading the fifty shades of grey's movies and novels it was so hard for me to watch Jamie Dornan play a serial killer. When I first read that he was on the cast he was the only reason why I started watching it! I began watching one day, and I finished the first two seasons in perhaps two days. It is both and dark and a cold-blooded show. He plays a psychopath at night and a therapist and a father to a loving family during the day.

4. "Carol"

Spoiler Alert: beautiful woman meets another beautiful woman in the 1950s. Both from completely different worlds and miles apart from town seem to develop a romantic connection. "Carol" is many years of age apart from Therese, but age is just a number right?

5. "The Carrie Diaries"

After her mother's death and the best summer of her life, Carrie returns back to school. Her rebellious sister and her father are struggling with her mother's death as well. It is a similar show to "Sex and the City," but in my opinion better. Carrie gets to experience the Manhattan dream after she meets Larissa; who becomes her role model and one of her best friends. It contains the typical high school drama that went back in the '80s. She lives every New Yorkers' dream.

6. "The Sixth Sense"

Do you just love plot twists as much as I do? I pinky promise this movie has the best plot twist ever! Once you watch if for the first time you are going to rewatch it again and see it with a different perspective. If you're into spooky movies, wrap yourself into your blankets like a burrito and put on your Netflix mode on.

7. "Elite"

This is a Spanish show based on a group of private scholars from Spain. I must warn it is also a murder show and one of the best dramas out there. Who gets murdered? That is for you to find out. It shows the typical struggles and stereotypes that today's teenagers have to face in their everyday lives. Sexuality struggles, religion and appearance, high school drama, with a twist of thriller and murder are all concepts of "Elite." I must warn you will fall in love with the gay couple of Omar and Ander, in my opinion my favorite couple.

8. "Alexa and Katie"

Do you miss the Disney Channel shows from your childhood as much as I do? This is a comedy that resembles some of our favorite shows we would watch from Disney Channel. It is about two best friends who just entered the world of high school. It is their freshman year and Alexa has been diagnosed with cancer, due to this their high school experienced doesn't go as they had planned it. Although it's a comedy show, I must warn that you might get a little emotional as you binge your way through the episodes. Alexa and Katie are the true definition of #FriendshipGoals.

Image Credit: Quote Catalog

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