21 Best Hozier Lyrics That Send Chills
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The Best Hozier Lyrics: 21 Lines That Will Give You Goosebumps

Hozier is not just an amazing singer, but also an incredible songwriter.

Hozier sings some of his best lyrics

About two months ago, after a five-year hiatus, Andrew Hozier-Byrne released a well-awaited EP, Nina Cried Power, and today marks the release of a new single 'Movement.'

Since the release of 'Take Me to Church,' I have been a huge fan of the amazing Irish musician. Hozier's music is incredibly thought-out and simultaneously soothes the soul and awakens the kindred, lost wandering part of you.

SEE MORE: 11 Song Lyrics With A Deeper Meaning

Here's a compilation of some of my favorite lyrics up-to-date from both his old album, Hozier, as well as the EP, Nina Cried Power.

Be warned: I got goosebumps while re-listening to all these brilliant creations. And if you haven't, check out 'Movement' that was released earlier today.

1. "The only heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you."

Take Me To Church, Hozier.

2. "Would things be easier if there was a right way? Honey, there is no right way."

Someone New, Hozier.

3. "No better version I could pretend to be tonight."

Jackie and Wilson, Hozier.

4. Babe, there's something so lonesome about you, something so wholesome about you."

From Eden, Hozier

5. "And I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted."

Shrike, Hozier.

6. "All you have is your fire and the place you need to reach. Don't ever tame your demons, but always keep 'em on a leash."

Arsonist's Lullabye, From Eden EP.

7. "It's not the waking, it's the rising."

Nina Cried Power, Nina Cried Power.

8. "I will not as you where you came from, I will not ask you,  neither should you."

Like Real People Do, Hozier.

9. "Babe, there's something so tragic about you, something so magic about you; don't you agree?"

From Eden, Hozier.

10. "We'll lay here for years or for hours, your hand in my hand, so still and discreet."

In A Week, Hozier.

11. "Her eyes and words are so icy, oh,  but she burns like rum on fire."

Cherry Wine, Hozier.

12. "I've no language left to say it, all I do is crave to her."

Foreigner's God, Hozier.

13. "Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago."

From Eden, Hozier.

14. "'Cause there's no better love that's laid beside me. There's no better love that justifies me, there's no better."

Better Love, Hozier.

15. Give your heart and soul to charity 'cause the rest of you, the best of you, honey, belongs to me."

NFWMB, Nina Cried Power.

16. "'Cause with my mid-youth crisis all said and done, I need to be youthfully felt, 'cause God I never felt young."

Jackie and Wilson, Hozier.

17. "You and I nursing on a poison that never stung, our teeth and lungs are lined with the scum of it."

Sedated, Hozier.

18. "There's an art to life's distractions; to somehow escape the burn weight. The art of scraping through."

Someone New, Hozier.

19. "I turned and ran to save a life I didn't have."

In the Woods Somewhere, Hozier.

20. "My lover's got humor, she's the giggle at a funeral. Knows everybody's disapproval, I should've worshipped her sooner."

Take Me to Church, Hozier.

21. "We tried the world, good God, it wasn't for us."

Jackie and Wilson, Hozier.

I hope some, if not most, of these lyrics blew your mind. If they did, definitely follow along with his musical journey.

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