13 Country Songs You Should Add To Your Playlist | The Odyssey Online
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13 Country Jams Everyone Should Add To Their Playlist

Here to show you all a little bit of my redneck side.


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I know, I know this is already going to be a controversial topic. Pretty much, you either love country music or you hate it, and it's as simple as that. But hear me out: country music is not all just about beer, boots, and trucks. Truthfully, a lot of songs actually have really good messages and lessons about love and life. Whether I have tears streaming down my face or am smiling ear to ear, a good ole country song undoubtedly always put me in my feels anyplace, anytime. There is no better feeling than rolling down the windows, blasting country music in the summertime. So while we brace the cold for a little while longer, here are a few tunes to freshen up your Spotify playlist in the meantime.

"Homegrown," Zac Brown Band 

An oldie, but a goodie. This summer, I went to a Zac Brown Band concert with my friends before we left for school. "Homegrown" was the first song that they played, and I will never forget the moment where we all belted out the lyrics together. It was a special moment to me, symbolizing that although we're all leaving, home will always stay with us.

"Make It Sweet," Old Dominion

This song is just so cute, ugh. The essence of the song is that even when life gets hard, you can't just wait around for things to get better, and instead you have to make every single second of every day count.

"Women, Amen," Dierks Bentley

Here is just the first of many country songs where we begin to have unrealistic expectations of how we think we should be treated by our significant other. We all wish Dierks Bentley could talk about us that way, but for now we'll settle for this heartfelt ballad. Also, I saw him at Lakeshake this summer, and his voice is just as powerful and amazing live.

"God, Your Mama, and Me," Florida Georgia Line

Another good ole country love song for ya. Yes, Florida Georgia Line is basic upon basic, but I absolutely love their music because they're all so darn catchy, and this song is no exception.

"Get Along," Kenny Chesney

Kenny Chesney has been making great music for a while, and this song proves he still has his touch. Every time I listen to this song, I just feel so calm.

"Hooked," Dylan Scott

There's nothing like out of the ordinary special about this song besides the fact that it's just a good bop. Enough said.

"Most People Are Good," Luke Bryan

Here is a perfect example of proof that country songs are not stupid! Luke Bryan has had his fair share of songs about drinking beer and finding chicks, but this newer song of his sends a really good message about forgiveness, innocence, and seizing every opportunity you can.

"Speechless," Dan + Shay

Omg, this song legit gives me the chills every time I hear it. Dan + Shay is a miracle sent from heaven above to bless me with their magical voices.

"Bartender," Lady Antebellum

Some women's empowerment for ya. This song makes me just wanna grab my girlies and dance the night away. Also, another reason I thought it was worth mentioning is that it's my grandma's favorite country song. Yes, my grandma is super ~trendy~ and loves country music...yep, you wish.

 "It Don't Hurt Like It Used To," Billy Currington

Would it even be a country playlist if there wasn't a good breakup song to jam out to? Billy Currington is simply so underrated, and I love belting this song out at the top of my lungs at any given time. Definitely one of my favs.

 "Never Grow Up," Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is the OG, and this song has had its moment to shine in plenty of Bat Mitzvah montages. But I still listen to it pretty often, and it never fails to leave tears streaming down your face. Growing up is an experience we can all relate to, and whenever I listen to this song I always feel the need to run home and give my mom a hug hehe!

 "Life Changes," Thomas Rhett

This song is one of my absolute favorites of all time. With moving away from home and starting college, I related a lot to this song when I first started school and still do. And also, Thomas Rhett's pop-y influence is a great artist to start listening to if you're not fully ready to dive right into redneck life just yet.

 "Greatest Love Story," LANCO

I saved the best for last. This song holds a special place in my heart and always restores my faith in humanity in life and love. What I love so much about country music is how all these artists stay so true to their roots and how they make life just seem so simple, and this hit by Lanco is no exception. Hits me in the feels for sure.

P.S. if you skipped over all the music videos, this one is at least worth watching.

I hope that you found some inspiration and good songs to add to your playlist. But more importantly, I hope you realize that country music is not all that it seems on the surface and actually has the power to send some very strong, valuable messages—and on top of that, more songs for you to sing at the top of your lungs! I am looking forward to hopefully going to see more of my favorite artists in concert this summer, but until then, I'll enjoy these bops.

There are definitely a lot of my favorite songs that still didn't make the cut. So if you are interested to hear more, here is my country playlist if you want to check it out...and I hope you do!

Click here to listen!!!!

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