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8 Brooke Davis Quotes Every Girl In Her 20s Still Needs In 2020

"So find your fight and fight like hell."

8 Brooke Davis Quotes Every Girl In Her 20s Still Needs In 2020
The CW

1. "There's a day when you realize that you're not just a survivor, you're a warrior. You're tougher than anything life throws your way."

Every single day there are hardships thrown at us that make it easy to shut down and want to give up, but you have survived every bad day, you are a warrior. Looking back on moments that I thought I would be detrimental have completely altered my life in the best way.

2. "People are gonna label you. It's how you overcome those labels, that's what matters."

I feel like my entire life I have had labels placed on me and time and time again people will tell me that they misjudged me. Focus on overcoming the labels.

3. "You think you know me, but you don't. And that means you don't know what I can do."

Prove people wrong. Every. Single. Day.

4. "When you stop fighting, you stop living. We all need that thing that's worth fighting for. Maybe it's a certain someone, or a special place, maybe just an idea. So find your fight, and fight like hell, 'til your battle is won."

My best friend has always told me to "fight the good fight," which I repeat to myself anytime I have to make a decision pertaining to my future, my relationships, and my interactions with people. Find something that is worth fighting for, and fight like hell.

5. "If you had a friend that you knew you'd never see again, what would you say? If you could do one last thing for someone you love, what would it be? Say it. Do it. Don't wait. Nothing lasts forever."

Growing up, I feel like I took advantage of people in my life assuming that they would be in my life forever. Fast forward a few years and whether through distance, passing away, or just growing apart, there are so many things I wish I would have said. Tell people you love them, that you're proud of them, that you're thankful for them. Nothing lasts forever.

6. "Do you know what my mother said to me when I told her I wanted to start a company? She said your chances are one in a million. And I said maybe I'm that one, and she said you're not. And she was wrong. Because I am one in a million."

Thankfully, my momma has always been one of my biggest fans and always pushed me to chase my dreams. I tend to dream big and she has never made me feel like I can't accomplish something. I am one in a million and different in my own way, it's really important to remember that. Have confidence in yourself.

7. "What's more important? What we become or how we become it?"

My roommate once told me, "Kill them with kindness but do not let them walk all over you." It's important while chasing your dreams and creating relationships, both professional and not, to remain kind while standing your ground.

8. "Sometimes my heart aches at how my life has turned out, in a good way. It doesn't mean there haven't been hardships, there have been but I'm here and here is good."

Here is good, and exactly where I am supposed to be. I fully believe that everything happens for a reason, as cliche as it sounds. I love evaluating the person I have evolved into based on the experiences that I have had in my life thus far. I wouldn't change a single thing. Here is perfect.

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