2. Lemon water contains vitamin C | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons I Can't Live Without My Morning Lemon Water

Lemon water is a match made in heaven.

10 Reasons I Can't Live Without My Morning Lemon Water

I started drinking lemon water in my sophomore year of college and it's become a part of my routine since then. It was harder to maintain then because of constant traveling over the winter and summer breaks, but it's become a mainstay in my daily routine again. It's helped in so many ways I couldn't have imagined from the start. I've noticed that my skin has gotten better, I'm less dehydrated and I have more energy throughout the day.

1. Lemon water promotes hydration

Since starting to work from home, an interesting phenomenon occurred: I began drinking less water. I started to notice symptoms associated with dehydration, from chapped lips to dry skin. I knew something had to change so I added lemon to my water and I can't stop drinking it now in the mornings. It's a good way to help remind myself that I need to continually drink water throughout the day.

2. Lemon water contains vitamin C

Since vitamin C is water-soluble, you can never get too much of it. Okay, maybe you can, but you'd have to ingest an insane amount, and even then, you'll only experience minor repercussions. The amount of lemon juice I put in my water, roughly two tablespoons per 16 ounces of water, doesn't come close to the daily limit. Plus, vitamin C touts numerous other benefits from reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke and lowers blood pressure.

3. Lemon water helps with weight maintenance

However, doctors aren't sure if it's because of drinking water first thing in the morning that makes us feel more full throughout the day, or the lemon juice itself. We'll have to wait to find out, but I don't mind this added benefit if it means I won't get up every five minutes to check for snacks in the fridge or pantry.

4. Lemon water is good for your skin

Yes, sign me up for anything that is good for my skin. With lemon water, it's both parts working to help your skin stay youthful and free of wrinkles. The more moisture your skin has, the less dry it will become and lemons also help prevent wrinkles. Good-bye expensive creams!

5. Lemon water helps with digestion

This is especially true when you drink it first thing in the morning, but I've never noticed a difference drinking it a bit later on in the day. As long as it's before noon, I'm in good shape for the day.

6. Lemon water helps freshen your breath

Yes, Cady, everyone has bad breath in the morning. But, you know when you rub a lemon on your hands after handling particularly smelly foods like onions, and it takes the smell away, right? Well, the same concept applies here. Lemons are known to increase our saliva production, which prevents the buildup of toxins in our mouths.

7. Lemon water can help prevent kidney stones

Looks like Joey should have had more lemon water and less alcohol. You'd think that since lemons are acidic, they would make your urine more acidic, right? Wrong. Paradoxically, the acid in lemons doesn't make our waste more acidic and this can help break up kidney stones. Thank you lemons, I don't want to find myself in the above situation.

8. Lemon water helps flush out our bodies

At night, your liver is most active and takes this time to restore and regenerate itself. Evidence has shown that lemon juice aids the production of stomach acids and drinking enough water in the morning helps your body function properly.

9. Lemon water increases alertness throughout the day

Starting my morning off with a cold tumbler of lemon water wakes me right up and helps get my day started. Some sources say you should drink your lemon water before eating or drinking coffee, but I've never felt any difference, and I've tried both ways.

10. Lemon water contains anti-inflammatory properties

To stop you from looking like this. The anti-inflammatory properties of lemons help fight any inflammations in the throat or tonsils and help fight respiratory tract infections. I, unfortunately, suffer from chronic bronchitis that flares up at certain times of the year. Drinking lemon water hasn't eliminated my symptoms and cough, but it has immensely helped.

Grab a few lemons the next time you go grocery shopping, squeeze the juice into your water and watch your life transform. You can thank me later.

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