Life Lessons From Batman
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Life Lessons From Batman

What moral principles can we gleam for Gotham's Dark Knight?

Life Lessons From Batman
Pop Critica

After traveling around the entire world, single-handedly taking down an age old force known as The League of Shadows, liberating a city, and stopping a great terrorist plot in just a little over a day, Batman was asked how he had done it. To the inquirer he responded, “It’s because I’m Batman.”

Throughout his crime-fighting ministry, Batman faced all sorts of opposition and accomplished great things. From him, we can learn some practical life lessons.

Lesson 1- Put Your Trust in Something Higher than Yourself

Upon the death of his parents, Bruce Wayne’s eyes were quickly opened to the festering crime in Gotham City. Not only was the mob terrorizing ordinary citizens, but it had taken control over the police force. Bruce’s greatest ambition was to stop the corruption and purify his city.

In spite of his great riches, he was unable to do so. Thus, he underwent years of intense training and returned to his city, undertaking the mantle of the Batman. As Batman, he could strike fear into his enemies and wage a great war on crime.

Reflecting on his efforts to purge the city, Bruce Wayne stated, “As a man, I'm flesh and blood, I can be ignored, I can be destroyed; but as a symbol... as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.”

In our efforts to do righteous things, we are no good on our own. We need to represent either somebody or a cause greater than ourselves.

Lesson 2- Develop your Talents

Did you know that Batman is physically capable of lifting up to one thousand pounds? His body can also survive the vacuum of space for up to 17 seconds. Batman also holds several masters degrees, including those in the field of science, mathematics, psychology and many others.

How do you think Batman uses his time to hold such great achievement? After all, he started off as only a rich man stroked by the luck of inheritance.

Bruce Wayne’s transformation into Batman shows the rewards of hard work in the development of talent. Each of us has great potential, and all it takes is a little bit if sweat, grit, and effort to realize it.

Lesson 3- Devote Yourself to the Happiness of Others

Whereas many superheroes, such as Peter Parker and Clark Kent, lead separate lives from their masked crusaders, Batman undergoes the alter ego of Bruce Wayne to further his interests in crime fighting.

In other words, every action in Batman’s life is devoted to bringing happiness to his city. His amassed fortune funds his awesome arsenal. His frivolous life as a billionaire is used to mask his identity, so that the ones closest to him do not suffer.

Every action we undertake can also be magnified for somebody else’s well-being. Even activities which seem to only benefit only one individual, such as school studies, work to pay rent, these too can benefit others. Studies can prepare individuals for better employment to take care of their families, future or present.


Batman is not real, and his nighttime fears are outlandish things which no one will ever do. But his moral principles are very practical and show us how to use human potential to make the world a better place.

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