10 Tunes To Get You Back To School
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10 Tunes To Get You Back To School

It's that time again, the beginning of school! Ten songs to pump you up for the new days ahead.

10 Tunes To Get You Back To School

It's that time of year again. School is on the horizon. For many, it feels as though we've just left, after completing summer courses. For others, we've worked all summer without a break. There are several people who just simply have had a super summer experience. Regardless, people dread that walk into the classroom in the coming weeks. Don't worry ya'll! I feel you. I have the perfect playlist to help inspire and encourage you. So get your mp3 players and smartphone apps out, dust off the record player, and let's crank up the jams!

1. "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor

The title speaks for itself. This song will build all your confidence. You are telling yourself that nobody can take you down, the homework and tests won't break you, you will survive. This song is a classic. Messages of confidence and endurance do tend to stick with people. "Did you think I'd crumble? Did you think I'd lay down and die? Oh, no, not I! I will survive." This will motivate you to take on all the challenges school will offer you in the coming year.

2. "Run Wild [Featuring Andy Mineo]" by for KING AND COUNTRY

Performed by Christian duo for KING AND COUNTRY, this song has a great beat and a great message. This song talks about moving forward after past mistakes. What better way to take on the new school year? Fresh, clean slate, running wild. "To every soul locked in a cage, in the prison of your past mistakes, no, there's no time left to waste. Yeah, you can make your great escape. We're made to run wild."

3. "Move Along" by The All-American Rejects

It's a classic 2000's song, played in the background of the popular TV shows and films of the time. it's also a personal favorite of mine. The idea for this song is to keep going, even when things don't seem to be great, when you're lacking hope and positivity, just keep going, keep it strong. "And even when your hope is gone, move along, move along just to make it through."

4. "ABC" by The Jackson 5

You can't go wrong with little Michael Jackson. Most of us have already learned our ABC's and 123's, but it doesn't hurt to remind yourself of the basics, and that's what the Jackson children do. They teach us: we can do anything, love can be easy, and life can be easier if we just go with what we know and trust ourselves to learn the rest. "ABC, easy as one, two, three. Or simple as do re mi."

5. "Be True to Your School" by The Beach Boys

This song focuses more on school itself instead of encouragement for the individual. It talks about taking pride in your school and being true to it. However, when you have faith in your school and you are proud of your school, it changes everything about school for you. The tension with teachers and professors lessens, and the walls you build between you and people are more likely to fall. "When some loud braggart tries to put me down and says his school is great, I tell him right away 'Now what's the matter buddy? Ain't you heard of my school, It's number one in the state'".

6. "Don't Stop Believin'" by Journey

Thank you, Journey, for giving everyone a perfect karaoke song, a song to belt in the stands of any athletic event, and a song to sing when we take on all life throws at us. If you aren't living deep down under a rock, you have heard, at the very least, part of this song. The message is clear: Don't. Stop. Believing. Believe that you can do anything, and then maybe you actually will do everything you dream of. "Don't Stop Believin', hold on that feelin'"

7. "Crazy Youngsters" by Ester Dean

This song is about embracing our youth, embracing the freedom we have, and embracing all the possibilities we have. It gives the listener an encouraging message that anything is possible, and that we should enjoy the benefits of being young before they're gone. It's a great mode of thinking when taking on school throughout the year. "Right now we're crazy youngsters. Time is running out, but who cares we're running free. They call us crazy youngsters. We don't apologize, we're mad and running free."

8. "Me Too" by Meghan Trainor

This song is the perfect confident boost when you get ready for school. In fact, this jam may be playing every morning for me. "I thank God every day that I woke up feelin' this way, and I can't help lovin' myself. And I don't need nobody else. If I was you, I'd wanna be me too."

9. "Lip Gloss" by Lil Mama

You can't help but sing and dance to this song. It's a flashback to those middle-school days, a classic jam. Most importantly, it's another encouraging song. Find your confidence. If it's in lip gloss they makes you look cool, if it's in styling your hair a certain way, if it's those cute jeans, whatever is, embrace it. "They say my lip gloss is cool, my lip gloss be popping. I'm standing at my locker, and all the boys keep stopping."

10. "Kill Em With Kindness" by Selena Gomez

This is the perfect song when you know you'll have to challenge people. The school bully. The rude professor. Those who don't believe in you. Kill them with kindness. Take the higher road. "No war in anger was ever won. Put out the fire before igniting, next time you’re fighting, kill 'em with kindness."

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