3. Stick to a sleep schedule! | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

Going Back To School Does Not Have To Be As Scary As It Was Last Year

This is gonna be the best semester ever.


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At this point of summer vacation, you're probably feeling one of two ways: either you're super excited to get back into the swing of things because you can't stand being bored for a second longer, or you don't want to hear the word school until you're back in your 8:00 AM lecture hall. Regardless of how you're feeling, it's difficult for everyone to stay focused after months of doing absolutely nothing. Here are some strategies to help you stay on task this semester.

1. Use a planner!

If you're like me, throwing your school-given agenda from high school into the trash on the last day of senior year was the happiest moment of your K-12 career. However, it would turn out that it was quite a useful little book. If you use your planner correctly, you'll never turn in a late assignment. Just… use it. I know it looks lame, but it'll help you in the long run.

2. Print out your syllabi!

Yes, it is very convenient that everything's online—Blackboard is a blessing. However, you CANNOT leave everything online. Print your stuff out! You are given a 100 dollar printing quota for a reason! Sure, it's very sad about the trees, but you've gotta have your syllabi at the ready; don't just try to remember what your professor's late policy is. You'll never remember everything correctly, I promise you that.

3. Stick to a sleep schedule!

Be warned, if you stick with this tip, your friends will make fun of you. It'll be worth it, of course, but I just wanted to let you know that first. When I say sleep schedule I mean that you should have a set bedtime as well as a set time to wake up. Once you regulate how many hours you're getting a night, it'll be easier to wake up in the morning. And once you have your mornings, there's really nothing you can't accomplish.

4. Seize the morning!

If you've ever gone to school before, it's understandable that you've developed an intense fear of the morning. You have been known to thrive under pressure and complete your assignments the night before they are due. I hate to break it to you, but your whole thrive under pressure attribute has probably been the source of your stress through your entire academic career. Once you get enough sleep and aren't super tired in the morning anymore, you'll be able to complete so much more, and with less stress!

5. Make a list!

Putting this article in a list format has probably made it easy to read and understand. So if you put your daily tasks in the form of a list, your day will be pretty easy to understand as well! Make a list, finish everything on it, and call it a night. Then, if you're feeling ambitious, make a list for tomorrow. Before you know it, you'll have become one of those super organized people you always wished to be. Nice work.

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