Love Advice From The Bachelor
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8 Things 'The Bachelor' Can Teach Us About Dating And Heartbreak

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8 Things 'The Bachelor' Can Teach Us About Dating And Heartbreak

"The Bachelor" franchise has a lot of haters out there. I get it. It's a show with minimally diverse pretty people who want to get famous and find love in the process. The dates are pretty fake, by the final episodes everyone is just crying, and you see up-close shots of the Bachelor or Bachelorette making out every few minutes. BUT, I do believe Chris Harrison and the people of "The Bachelor" might be able to teach us a few things.

1. Getting caught up in gossip IS NOT CUTE.


Every season there is a "bad boy" or "crazy gal" and the rest of the house goes NUTS. They cannot stand this person and they feel the need to vent to the person they are dating about it during their one on one time. DO NOT DO IT. You just make yourself look petty and are wasting quality time with them. Save the drama for your mama and don't gossip. It will turn out badly for everyone involved.

2. If you don't see a future, don't keep dating them.


Yes, the people get engaged on a fancy island in less than two months without any contact or interaction from the real world, but they did get one thing right. If you don't see a future with someone, why waste their time. "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" (especially this season) are notorious for needing their suitors to be there for the "right reasons" and sending them home in a limo mid-conversation if they do not see a future. While they may be crying in a limo now, at least no one is wasting anyone's time. I think sometimes people have a tendency to date for fun and that isn't cool. Feelings will get hurt and it just isn't worth it. So maybe if you don't plan on giving someone a final rose, don't string them along.

3. The good ones don't always win.


Sorry to be a bummer, but if I know anything about "The Bachelor," it's that the nice guys don't always get the final rose. Often they are sent home crying in the limo early on. Why? Because sometimes it's easier to pick the edgy bad boy, than an accountant who is super sweet and can provide for you (because most people on the show are unemployed personal trainers). However, it's a marathon, not a sprint, and I promise you the good guys will win in the end. So stay patient and keep doing you. It will pay off eventually.

4. Have a good attitude


The key to most group dates and one-on-ones is being a good sport. No one wants to hang out with the person who is going to complain the whole time, so try to stay positive and have a good attitude! It's sexier than you think.

5. Trust the process


They say this at least 50 times an episode and as annoying as it sounds, shouldn't we all just ~trust the process.~ What if we all stopped worrying about everything and trusted that it's going to work out? I think we would all be slightly better versions of ourselves if we stopped freaking ourselves out so much.

6. It's not all about looks.


On the show, perfect 10s get sent home every week. I think sometimes we can be super hard on ourselves, but get this: you're still awesome, despite what someone else thinks. Other people's opinions on you should not be a basis for your own self-worth. We can be super hard on ourselves and sometimes we go straight to physical appearance. You're beautiful, but also so much more than that! If they ghost you, dump you, or are just a jerk, it's their loss!

7. The odds are not in your favor.


During the first rose ceremony there are close to 30 contestants competing for one person! Do not take it personally if it doesn't work out! Statistically, it wasn't suppose to. This is the same thing in life. Put yourself out there, but know you probably will not click with everyone you meet. That's okay. There are seven billion people on this earth, so keep looking.

8. But there is always paradise


*"Bachelor in Paradise," that is. Although, real life does not have a bunch of attractive and unemployed people going on vacation together. You will have second chances and life will go on! The same people you see crying in a limo or getting dumped seconds after proposing on one knee are chillin' in paradise and have moved on. If they can do it so can you! Just give it time. So go to the beach or do a staycation with some friends! Bring the paradise to you.

Tune in to "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette" Monday Nights at 7 p.m. CT for many more life lessons and lots of cliches packed into two hours. It's a guilty pleasure you will never forget.

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