They come into this world and steal our hearts. With their first cry, of all things! They change our lives, but they change it for the better. Babies are some of life's best blessings. While I may not have a "baby of mine" quite yet..and do not expect to for some time, I know a thing or two about bundles of joy that change our hearts forever.
"Baby Mine," the lullaby made famous by Disney's "Dumbo" helps convey the hopes we have for the little ones in our lives.
Baby mine, don't you cry.
We do everything we can to keep these little kiddos happy. From the time they are born, we are at their beck and call. But everything we do is worth the trouble when we are rewarded by a sweet, dimpled smile. We spend sweet moments of sleepy bliss in rocking chairs, humming softy, wishing those special moments can last forever.
Baby mine, dry your eyes.
It breaks your heart when they cry. But their tears are temporary. While we can't keep them away from every little bump in the road as they grow up, we can hold them in our ams when they cry and let them know that everything will be okay.
Rest your head close to my heart.
We want to keep them close. We don't want to imagine a time when this sweet little innocent grows up to enter the real world. But, thankfully, we don't have to imagine that world just yet. For now, we can just hold them close and tell them how special they are and will continue to be as they grow.
Never to part. Baby of mine.
Our love for them is endless. We love them as babies, so sweet and soft, but somehow our love only grows as we watch them develop into tiny people, all their own. As they take those first steps, learn their first words, enjoy it! We want to hold onto the sweet moments of holding them as babies. But, even as they grow, they will always have that special place in our hearts. Never to part. Baby of mine.