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We Need To Talk About Everyone And Everything Not In The New 'Avengers: Endgame' Trailer

Who isn't in the new 'Avengers' movie?

We Need To Talk About Everyone And Everything Not In The New 'Avengers: Endgame' Trailer

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The internet recently exploded with the release of a new trailer for 'Avengers: Endgame.' For those who have not yet found the time to watch all seventy-two films in the series (relax, I'm exaggerating,) the next installment in the Marvel franchise is said to show who all really survived the last film, as well as what will be done to bring the others back. Fans were quick to get excited over the trailer's debut of new suits, the hopelessness of the characters, and the fact that the trailer only shows clips from the first 20 minutes of the film (I know right!)

All are good observations, but I have bigger questions. Has anyone considered who all we are missing in this trailer? Sure, there are the obvious characters, such as the beloved cast of 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' but is that all? It most certainly is not! In case you forgot, here are a few others left out of the trailer that I can only hope will be in the film.

1. The rest of Jeremy Renner's hair


Woah. When did Hawkeye get so edgy? Doesn't this guy have like ten kids? Someone is going through a middle-age crisis... I have to respect it though. With approximately 34 other main characters in this one movie, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to stand out among the crowd.

2. Colors other than black, white, and red


I get it. I really do. It's for aesthetic purposes. It makes the movie look a little cooler. Plus, similar to Hawkeye's new 'do, it gives a little edge to the complex story-line already forming. I mean, who doesn't love a good pop of color?

3. Natalie Portman


I know that Thor and Jane can never be (and Natalie Portman has no desire to renew her contract with Marvel,) but I am still holding out hope! From what I have gathered, it looks like Pepper Potts is making her grand re-entrance. Why could Jane Foster not just sneak in behind her?

4. A new Spider-Man


Sorry, Tom Holland. It looks like your time is - Wait. What do you mean it isn't time for a new Spider-Man? We've had this one for like three years. Isn't it time to switch them out? Oh, it doesn't work that way... My bad! Tobey Maguire all the way!

5. Batman's butler, Alfred


I know it is DC comics, but could we not make an exception, just this once? Think about how fun the new movie would be with this guy running around giving sassy feedback and blunt advice! I would go see that movie twice, though I think many of you will do that anyways (no judgment here.)

6. A member of the Royal Family


These guys seem to be everywhere these days. Why not let one have a cameo in the movie? I would pay good money to see Prince William throwing around "how do we save the world this time" ideas with the other guys around the Avengers water cooler.

7. A girlfriend who seems to be holding her superhero boyfriend back, but she really just wants him to be safe


If there is one thing I missed most in the new trailer, it was a lack of worried looks from characters not clad in stretchy superhero suits. Where did all the significant others go? You know we can't go through an entire Marvel movie without a young woman yelling she "can't go through another day of not knowing if you are going to make it out alive this time."

8. Another guy named Chris


With three actors named Chris (and counting,) I think we should just go ahead and round up everyone with this name, throw them in a super suit, and let them have some fun. Audiences will love picking their favorite Chris and it will save tons of time and money as the credits go from a list of two million names to one simple, bold, over-sized "Chris."

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