11. The two best friends who really only talk to each other. | The Odyssey Online
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Student Life

The Avengers In 'Endgame' Are Basically Everyone You've Ever Done A Group Project With

When you think about it, defeating Thanos really is just one big group project.

The Avengers In 'Endgame' Are Basically Everyone You've Ever Done A Group Project With

Warning: This article contains **MAJOR** spoilers for "Avengers: Endgame". Don't read any further if you haven't seen the movie.

Okay, if you're still here, I'm going to assume you've seen "Endgame" already. There are Hulk-sized spoilers in this article, so don't say I didn't warn you.

Well, friends, we've made it to the end of the line. "Avengers: Endgame", the glorious conclusion to a whopping twenty-two movies, hit theaters this weekend, and if you're anything like me, your emotions still haven't quite settled down. We jumped a full five years into the future, watched Thor finally come to grips with all the loss in his life (and gain more than a couple pounds in the process), cheered when Steve finally proved himself worthy enough to wield Mjolnir, cheered even louder when everyone came back from the Snap (Especially Spidey!), and, of course, wept at the deaths of two of our favorite heroes, Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark.

So, after the exhilaration of the final film, I've come to the very important realization that "Endgame" is just one big group project. Think about it, everyone works together to achieve a common goal, there are some people who do the work, some who don't, and everyone wants a good grade on this project, mainly because if they get a failing grade, the world will end. The Avengers really do represent every person you've worked with on a group project at least once.

1. The senior who's got one foot out the door.


This is their final project, and they're ready to move on. You'll definitely be sad to see them go, but at least they don't have to worry about doing hard projects like this one anymore.

2. The one who slacks off just to play Fortnite.


Everyone's wondering where they are only for someone to find them right before the project is due eating junk food and playing Fortnite with their buddies.

3. The one who finds that person and forces them to stop playing Fortnite.


They're the only one who can really talk to that person and convince them to go do something. It may take some convincing, but eventually they come around.

4. The one who shows up to do their job at the last minute.


You spend the entire time wondering where this person is only for them to show up at the last minute, and they do their job perfectly. Better late than never, I guess.

5. The only one who really knows what's going on.


You all need this person because without them, there's no way you're going to get an A on this project. They're the only one who can keep everyone on task.

6. The one who doesn't know what they're doing but really wants to help.


This person's got a heart of gold and really wants to help, but they just can't seem to grasp what's going on. You appreciate the enthusiasm, though!

7. The smartest person in the group.


They may not be the loudest or most assertive of the group, but they are definitely the person everyone goes to when the group gets stuck. They've always got the answer to just about every problem. No one knows how they do it.

8. The one everyone recognizes as the leader.


There isn't a vote, and no one even officially says this person is the leader. They're just naturally good at it, so no one really questions it.

9. The one who just does their job, no questions asked.


We all know that this is the ideal group member. They don't ask questions, they don't cause trouble, they just do what they have to do. They truly make the load easier for everyone.

10. The one who yells at everyone to stay focused.


This is the perfectionist of the group. They're constantly complaining about how no one does their work and that they're working with idiots.

11. The two best friends who really only talk to each other.


These two are really good at what they have to do, but they just keep to themselves. They always go off and do their portion of the project alone.

12. And finally, everyone's favorite person in the group.


Everybody loves this person. They're friends with everyone and are constantly positive. They're the ray of sunshine that every group needs.

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