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Artists To Watch Out For In 2019

These people will add so much to your playlists — I promise you that!

Artists To Watch Out For In 2019

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I am a pretty mediocre person in most ways, but my music taste is superior to a lot of other people and I am pretty sure of that.

Greyson Chance 

I am not trying to transport you back to 2010 and make you listen to "Waiting Outside the Lines" or "Unfriend You" — which are both bops by the way. Greyson has come back in the last few years, better than ever, with such good music that is both personal and genuinely good. In 2017 Greyson took to social media and came out to his audience as gay and that was such a turning point for the music. He was creating music now because of how much more personal he has allowed himself to be. He has an album coming out in 2019 called "Portraits" and I think it is going to be a project that really connects with people and really brings Greyson this whole new audience to entertain.

Charlotte Cardin 

Earlier this year, I discovered this song called "California" and instantly fell in love with both the lyrics and the angelic voice singing them. I listened to all of her current catalog and was so hooked on what she had to say. I can only see 2019 being even bigger for her and can not wait to hear more from her beautiful mind.

Amy Shark 

I had heard of Amy before from friends and online, but it wasn't until very recently that I looked into her catalog myself and felt like a ton of bricks hit me when I heard the song "Spits On Girls". Something I love so much about Amy is that she just gets it. She writes about real life issues and doesn't hold back. I think that with her future music in the next year, she will prove her talent time and time again.

George Ezra 

George is someone that has already had massive success with songs like "Budapest", however I think with his album that just came out titled "Staying at Tamara's", 2019 will shape up to be his year. His music is the kind that you never want to turn off — may it be a slower song like "Hold My Girl" or an upbeat song like "Pretty Shining People". George has yet to tour the US for this new album, so that is something I hope 2019 has in-store for fans like myself.

Alec Benjamin 

In the beginning of 2017, I saw Alec perform in a hotel ballroom for less than 100 people and now at the end of 2018, I am watching him on the "Late Late Show with James Corden" — time is a crazy thing. I can't believe how much has happened over this year for one of the most promising artists, and I can not wait to see what things 2019 has in store for his career. He already has a US tour booked, so be sure to catch him if he's in your area.

Jesse McCartney 

Everyone's favorite childhood heartthrob is back and better than ever! Jesse has released two songs throughout 2018 — "Better With You" and "Wasted" are both doing well and pleasing both old and new fans. Going into 2019, Jesse is working on a new album and already has a US tour that is selling out everywhere and I couldn't be more happier! He is an artist from my childhood that is coming back and making music that I love just as much as I did his old stuff.

The Driver Era 

This group is made up of brothers Rocky and Ross Lynch, who before this year were both in the band R5. Their sound is more alternative than what you would have heard from their past band — and it is fantastic. They are such talented dudes and well they have had success this year with "Preacher Man". I know that 2019 is going to have a tour in its future and so much more music from this up and coming duo.

Keiynan Lonsdale 

Now even if you are unfamiliar with Keiynan in a musical sense, you may recognize him from movies like "Love, Simon" or TV shows like "The Flash". He doesn't have a huge catalog of music out currently, but has promised that 2019 is a year full of music for him and that is something everyone should look forward to because he is a true one of a kind artist.


Rejoice! My favorite band Wallows is ending the year by teasing both an album and tour for the year! They are indie band made up of the three cute musicians — you see above and they are so talented it's almost scary. Their live shows should be on everyone's wish list and their music should be one everyone's playlists.

Cody Simpson 

Yes, this is the same dude that sang jams like "Surfboard" and "On My Mind" but he is back and better than ever with "Cody Simpson and The Tide". Their music — as Cody's has always been — is heavily beach inspired, but nowadays it's less bubble gum pop and more music you want to drive along Pacific Coast highway with your windows down and listen to. 2019 is going to be a year where you'll see a lot more of this guy and his new band.

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