12 Things I learned About Real Life In Art School
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12 Things I learned About Real Life In Art School

Yes, we learned more than painting.

12 Things I learned About Real Life In Art School

Being an art student has been an incredibly challenging, yet rewarding experience. I have loved and hated it just the same at different times. That being said, I would not trade the experience. These past five years have stretched me tremendously--both as an artist and a person. Here is a general list of (a handful of) things I am taking with me after I cross the stage, all of which can be applied to life at any stage.

1. Craftsmanship matters.

Craftsmanship or the way you present your work is very important. You should always pay attention to details, even the ones that you think no one will notice because the details have the ability to take your work to the next level. People can always tell the difference between someone who is detail-oriented and someone who is not. Especially employers (wink, wink).

2. Preplan! Preplan! Preplan!

Even the last-minute guru can have their slip-ups. In art school, professors are notorious for wanting to see preliminary work. It shows them that you have a process and you don't just throw things together. It shows them that you have original ideas and, most importantly, that your work is yours. Also, if something falls through, you will have a backup plan--it shows them that you were, in fact, working and that you are not just giving them a lame excuse to get out of your work.

3. Your ideas can always evolve.

Your first idea is rarely your best idea. Forming a process for how you work is key to having strong ideas and concepts. You have to be patient and give yourself a chance to build on your ideas. Allow yourself time to push through the discomfort of uncertainty. That's where your best ideas will come from.

4. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

So many times I would plan out my projects and be certain that everything would work out perfectly only to find out that my materials did not agree with each other or I was short something at the last minute (after all the stores had already closed). Or, after I would execute my plan, I realized I actually wanted a different outcome.

5. Collaboration is healthy.

I have found that working with others who are passionate about the same things you are passionate about can yield incredible results. You may be able to come up with awesome ideas on your own, but there is something very cool that happens when you intermix a group of passionate people who all approach the project with different perspectives and experiences. Sometimes, someone else can pull a strength out of you that you didn't even realize you had.

6. There is room for everyone.

Collaboration not competition. I am not saying that you should use collaboration as a crutch to always seek assistance. By all means if you have a vision and you are inspired, go for it! Do not get discouraged if you see someone else where you want to be before you even gain momentum; or worse, try to sabotage them. Big no, no. You cannot compare your page one to someone else's page ten. You do not know what that person went through to get to where they are now. Besides, having someone else's work to aspire to can be a real advantage. You can learn from their mistakes and maybe even skip a few bumps in the road. Just remember there was room enough for Michelangelo, Picasso, Da Vinci and a slew of other greats--and there is room for you too.

7. Your talents are not everyone's cup of tea.

So, the reason there is always room enough for more than one talent? Your talents are not everyone's cup of tea. Do not sweat it, it is totally cool. This is a good thing actually. If you were the only good photographer in the world you would get real burnt out, real quick. The point is you are someone's cup of tea. A lot of people's actually. To those people you are the tea, the honey, the gorgeous mug and all rolled into one...which feels much better than trying to be a one size fits all.

8. Nothing will work unless you do.

Talent is one thing but, just like energy, talent is irrelevant unless you act on it. "Genius is 1% talent and 99% hard work."--Albert Einstein. When you know that you are capable of doing a thing, it can sometimes be tempting to wait until the last minute, to stay in your comfort zone. BUT, unless you push yourself--even if you are completely confident you can do something--you will never know how stellar you can truly be. Einstein did not speak until he was 6 years old! His teachers even referred to him as a "slow learner" in grade school. Einstein was not just born a whiz who started inventing incredible things from infancy. He worked at it, tirelessly. So, if you want something to work for you, you have to work for it.

9. Be patient with yourself.

Okay, so we have mastered the art of persevering, working for what we want. As you continue on your journey, don't forget to also be patient with yourself. If you are giving something your best shot but you are not growing at the speed of lightning, there is nothing wrong with you. Slow progress is still progress. Be patient and proud of your growth.

10. Your circle matters.

What a game changer. Had I known five years ago--I mean really known-- what I know now about the power of the influence of those you allow into your life, I would be in quite a different place in my life. Fortunately, accept that learning opportunity because I know better now. John Rohn stated that, "you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Talk about influence...That's pretty darn heavy. Therefore, it is safe to say that even if you personally have a positive, motivated mindset, if you surround yourself with people that are not on the same page, you put a glass ceiling over yourself. You do not have to be snobby but when it comes down to it, you will want to invest your time with people that are tough. People that already where you want to be. Because when doubt and negativity creep in, sometimes you need a loving intervention and; iron sharpens iron.

11. You do not know what you do not know.

You might be an incredible potter or photographer but if you never try your hand at those things, you will never know. Always seek out new knowledge and skills. Diversify your taste. Life is a vast experience; take in it, in its fullness.

12. If it comes from your heart, your art is valid.

No matter if your work is realistic or abstract, large or small, no matter if you are any form of creative or if you are on climbing the corporate ladder if you work from a place of love and passion it will always be apparent to the people around you. One thing I was always bad about in school was comparing my page one to someone else page ten. We do not all have the same starting point--and that is okay! Sometimes it takes some of us longer to grasp a certain subject or maybe you are not introduced to something until later on in life. It is okay. This applies to life in general. Everything happens in perfect timing just as it is supposed to. So be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey!

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