Everything You Need To Know About App State Dorms
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Everything You Need To Know About App State Dorms

The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Everything You Need To Know About App State Dorms

Ahhhh. Dorm life. The best and worst but definitely the most memorable part of being a college student. Here at Appalachian State, we have twenty different dorms with distinct differences. In a series of interviews, I asked students who spent a year of time in these lovely housing facilities to answer a few questions for me. Their names will remain anonymous for their protection. This is what they said.

Appalachian Heights

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“The best thing about App Heights is that it's basically like a little apartment. You have a huge bedroom, a huge closet, and bathroom, which you only share with one person. Then you share a kitchen and a living room with three other roommates, so four total. It’s awesome. It has its own parking lot and it's close to the SRC. And did I mention the seriously huge closet?”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“Definitely hiking up and down Bodenheimer, AKA a mountain, to get to classes. It's kind of far away and the buses stop running when it snows a lot so you can kind of get stuck up there when the weather's really bad. I remember a sign that said, ‘Bodenheimer will shut down at least once this winter so make sure you stock up on food.’ Also, the Wi-Fi sucked 24/7."

What should I bring?

“Bring pans, plates, and everything else you need for the kitchen. You can bring any kitchen supplies you can think of because the kitchen is pretty big. Bring a TV or 2, one for the living room, one for your bedroom. I can't really think of anything else. It comes with a couch and love seat, coffee table, end table, bar stools for the kitchen table, a stove, a fridge, microwave, lots of counter and cabinet space for the kitchen. Maybe a printer since the library is so far away. You could bring a bathroom rack since the bathroom is so tiny. And a big kitchen trash can.”

Any other tips?

“Avoid washing clothes on Sunday's because it's always packed. Your meal plan works on the vending machines. Sneak in through the side or back door, NEVER the front door. They have really nice study rooms at App Heights and people rarely use them so take advantage of that. Blue bus route always comes early or doesn't come at all. Bring a shower curtain because the one's housing gives you are GROSS. Also, it's an athlete dorm so make sure you look cute on your way to class.”

Appalachian Panhellenic Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“It’s one of the better dorms on campus (suite styled with your own bathroom) living next door/across the hall to your best friends/sisters is great because you get to share clothes, jewelry, shoes, and alcohol! But it’s a dry dorm so shhhhhhh. It used to be a hotel so honestly how bad can it get?”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“I mean, it’s the APH. Girls, and only girls, EVERYWHERE. You need to use your AppCard for two entrances. Wi-Fi sucks. Girls are ruthless, and WILL steal your clothes out of the washer/dryer. Beware. Also note elevator moves at the speed of a snail with a broken leg.”

What should I bring?

“Trust me you want to AVOID THE OVERHEAD LIGHTENING AT ALL COSTS! Invest in Christmas lights, approved lamps, and things like that if your room allows it. A futon is prized at the APH. You know your blackout friends are going to need to crash there eventually. Also, BRING YOUR OWN VACUUM, THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!”

Any other tips?

“Always check the back lot for a parking spot (its worth it). Always get your beeper to drop you off at the back door (literally heaven sent). Always be sweet to your RA’s, they could save your ass in the future. Be prepared to make a lot of meals in the microwave, the kitchen is built for elves.”

Belk Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“The best thing(s) about it is/are the fact that you're on campus so you can literally wake up at 7:45 for your 8 AM and make it to it on time. Especially if it’s in Walker. Also, the community that you build with the people on your floor is great. OH, and get ready to hear football practice with their blaring music and also band practice. Game days are awesome in Belk because you're right there at the stadium so if you get too drunk, I mean cold, you're only a parking lot away from your home. Go ‘Neers.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“What’s the worst thing about this dorm?? Having a roommate! Is that bad? But I would also say that it's not having a bathroom to yourself. Belk wasn't too bad because we had sinks in our rooms so that made things better. OH WAIT I KNOW THE WHAT’S THE WORST THING ABOUT THIS DORM?! They turn the heat on around Thanksgiving and they don’t turn it off until May and you have no control over it! NO CONTROL. Also, not having AC is a bummer (It was just renovated over the summer so this may have changed). Also bring shower shoes because those showers are NASTY.”

What should I bring?

“Don't come without a fan. Biggest mistake you will make. Especially if there is no air conditioning in your dorm. Bring decorations too, the walls are bland.”

Any other tips?

“In Belk, the dumpsters are off of the second floor, so always take someone with you or be prepared to go down the hill all the way around to the front, and then you better have your App Card. If you're on the top bunk and you can't figure out how to get your fan up that high, Don’t worry! Stack your microwave on top of your mini fridge, and if it's a taller fan, it should be perfect.”

Bowie Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Location, location, location. At least during football season that is. The people I met in Bowie my freshman year are still some of my best friends today. It’s what you make it.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“No air conditioning made life hard during some months. The small rooms were also not that appealing. Communal bathroom are gross. Everything was old. Sometimes smelly.”

What should I bring?

“Earplugs if you don’t want to wake up at 8 AM on game days. Or if you want to nap during band practice. They practices right next door at stadium. Don’t bring too much stuff because you only have room for the desk and the bed. Your closet is decently spacious though so bring what ever clothes you want.”

Any other tips?

“If you’re drunk, get someone to let you in the back door. Take advantage of parking in Stadium on the weekends, but do not park there when you aren’t supposed to because you will be towed. Don’t be loud because everything you say can be heard in the room next door through the outlets.”

Cannon Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“It’s so close to everything. A five-minute walk to class and a two-minute walk to the bars. And a six-minute walk from Hardee’s which is the most important thing. It’s also a newer dorm on campus so it’s pretty nice. #eastside”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“Obviously having RA’s in your business about everything, but that’s a thing in every dorm. The bathrooms get dirty very fast. If you’re room is facing the road be prepared to be kept up at night by cars and drunk people.”

What should I bring?

“Normal dorm stuff really, it’s not that special honestly. Closet organizers because they’re not that big. A fan is a must as well.”

Any other tips?

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, and make sure you let people know who you are. If some people in your hall don't like you there are plenty of clubs and organizations suited to fit your style, and personality. A Cannon specific tip would be to not be an idiot coming in drunk. The elevator takes a while to get to you and you have to stand in front of an RA for a few minutes. Hold your shit together. Don’t dirty up the common area for everyone, they will be mad.

Coltrane Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“The best part about Coltrane is the social aspect. Due to the no air conditioning, everyone keeps their doors open to keep air the flowing. You get to know other people on your hall a lot easier that way. Also, no one wants to stay cramped up in their rooms 24/7 so people spend a lot of time in the common area. It encouraged me to go out and about more! I guess a really big plus to Coltrane is the proximity to football field and Duck Pond. It was perfect for football games, tailgating, and all of the events out on Duck Pond Field. Also, the Connector Lobby is pretty neat - since Soultrane is so far away from the library it was nice to have a big area to study in peace without trudging through the freezing weather.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“The fact that there is no air conditioning. Also the rooms are super tiny which gets annoying. Me and my roommate could hold hands laying in our separate beds. Prison cells are bigger than those rooms and that’s not a lie.”

What should I bring?

“Bed risers!!!! Storage space underneath my bed helped make the room feel a little bigger. Also wall decor is a must because that color is awful. Don’t bring a lot of clothes because your closet is literally a hole in the wall.”

Any other tips?

“Parking spaces out front go like crazy on Fridays and don't really free up until Sunday afternoon! And parking is super strict in stadium lot during the week (as are all other lots). During the day or pretty late at night are usually the best times to do laundry. But you best not leave your shit in the washer/dryer for too long after it is done because people will throw your clean clothes on the floor and take your space! Bunk your beds if you want more room.”

Cone Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Cone is one of the newer dorms on campus so it’s on the nicer side. The elevators are really nice and the lobby downstairs is too. The study room on each floor come in clutch when it’s cold out side. Our snack machines are always the best stocked on campus.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“If I’m being honest? The stuck up Honors College kids. Not everyone is stuck up, but most of them are. If you’re a partier and live at Cone, every time you leave some kid is going to roll their eyes at you from behind their textbook.”

What should I bring?

“Bring a rug! Things to put on the wall is also a good idea. Anything to make it feel more like home. The rooms aren’t extremely big so leave extra furniture at home!”

Any other tips?

“The gender neutral bathroom will save your life, but you have to take your showers around 1 AM so that you can actually take a shower and have decent water pressure. Your app card also works for Summit if you want to take advantage of their cool study room downstairs. There’s also a tunnel underneath the two dorms that connects them, but don’t go unless you want to get in trouble.”

Doughton Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“I loved the convenience of the study room and how spacious it is. It’s also at a pretty good spot on campus and the rooms are pretty big.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“It may just be me, but I thought it was inconvenient when the basement doors closed at a certain time at nights. Not having a parking lot extremely close was kind of annoying. It gets stuffy sometimes in the winter.”

What should I bring?

“Make sure to bring some type of storage for under the bed if the beds aren't going to be bunked. It really conserves space. Bring a futon if you loft your beds, you have room for it. And it’s cute.”

Any other tips?

“Gatorade and ginger ale always run out on the weekends, so make sure to get your electrolyte replenishing drinks before the weekend begins!”

East Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“It’s at a great spot on campus, right next to Sanford mall, and Sanford Hall. The room itself is pretty big, and it has a sink and walk in closet.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“East Hall is SO haunted. So like the casual things are the footsteps you'd hear when there was literally no one else in the hallway, when you'd walk past doors their handles would shake like they were about to open.... and they would never open. The worst was one night I come home and got in bed and I hear like two people breathing so I'm like "oh my roommate’s girl is here.” I look over and I only see him in bed. Then I'm like "oh my friend must be crashing on our couch again," so I look under me and no one is on the couch. I held my breath and still heard two people breathing so I dipped out of that room real quick.”

What should I bring?

“A trillion fans since there is no air conditioning. An Ouija boardif you’re into that. Bring a futon or chair of some sort cause the room is huge. A cover for your bright window would be smart, as well as earplugs and an unrealistic confidence that ghosts aren't real.”

Any other tips?

“The side door is nice when you come in drunk, just don’t get too wasted because the stairs aren’t fun. Don’t mess with the ghosts because the will mess back.”

Eggers Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“The best thing about Eggers is the family sense about it. Obviously it depends on who is living in the building at the time but there was never a night that I was alone. Structurally, the best thing was the layout. The bathrooms were really nice compared to other dorms and the cleaning staff do an amazing job at keeping it clean.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“Worst thing about Eggers are the DAMN STAIRS. It’s not called Mt. Eggerest for nothing. They were the bane of my existence when I lived there. I used to bribe SafeRide drivers to take me behind the building because I dreaded climbing them.”

What should I bring?

“If I were to suggest two things for someone who was going to live there, it would be lights (Christmas lights, lamps, etc) and closet organizers. The lights in Eggers are fluorescent and awful. I constantly had my White Christmas lights on because it made the room homey and welcoming. Closet organizers are a must because the closets were tiny. I used plastic drawers and a shoe organizer so it looked less cluttered.”

Any other tips?

“If you walk up Bowie’s stairs and up the sidewalk, you can skip the stairs. Wait until late at night to shower so it’s not as packed and there’s more hot water. Be nice to RA’s and they will be nice to you too.”

Frank Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Best thing about Frank Hall, that's easy, it's how close you are to the stadium in the fall. I walked outside and I was right beside all the action. As a sophomore, I had the best location to continue to grow in the mountaineer atmosphere. Having a sink in the room was pretty cool too.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“Worst thing... Well I love Appalachian State, however in the fall and spring, when it snows or a blizzard comes out of nowhere it was frustrating to walk to the dining halls or class.”

What should I bring?

“Fans. Earplugs if you’re a light sleeper. Shower shoes, because, hygiene. Nothing special really just typical dorm stuff.”

Any other tips?

“I know it’s convenient for if you’re hungover and can’t make it to the bathroom, but DO NOT THROW UP IN YOUR SINK. It’s a bitch to clean. Just do not it. Also,for future residents, be a friendly resident and you will have a wonderful time. Don't abuse your freedom and you can, pretty much, do as you please!

Gardner Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Best thing about Gardner was the community. We were all were really close with each other, mainly because of the size of the room. The connector lobby was a blessing because the library was so far away like no one ever went there.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“The rooms were so damn small. The smallest on campus. That part was hell. The washing machines NEVER worked, it was so annoying. Also there's no AC so it was awful the first few months. When we moved in they just put down manure outside and I was on the 2nd floor so our room was so hot and smelled like shit for two months. Hmmm, the smoking area was right outside our dorm so all the hipsters/stoners hung out there. That could be a good thing though.”

What should I bring?

“Definitely bring a fan! Not a lot of things from home, but do bring a winning attitude because it's the worst dorm on campus.”

Any other tips?

“Yes, you can get into Gardner through Coltrane so don't be an idiot and walk all the way to the front of Gardner after a trip to central. Be warm and safe, kid.”

Hoey Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“The back staircase made it super easy to sneak in. And the lobby always had someone down there watching a game, playing foosball, etc. so you’re never alone. It’s also a nice dorm in general, with air conditioning and decently sized rooms.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“The worst thing was community bathrooms, bless our cleaning ladies for coming in on Monday and mopping up the regret and sin from the previous weekends.”

What should I bring?

“A weighted door stop is good because they close automatically. That's actually the worst part. I got locked out of my room in a towel on a coed floor more than once. Bring a robe if you don't plan on changing in the bathroom after every shower.”

Any other tips?

“Uhhhh make friends with your floormates so they can sneak you in and guide you when you're too drunk to come in the front. The staircases can be confusing. Trust me.”

Justice Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Location. It is the closest dorm to Roess and, aside from Newland, it is the closest to Trivette. Yay food. You are right near the market that is open till midnight. Close to Quinn. Close to the football stadium. West side, best side. Parking on the weekends is right infront of the dorm. Big rooms.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“Doesn't have a common area for each floor. No air conditioning. No elevators. It’s rumored that there are exactly one hundred steps from the bottom to the top of Justice. Super old.”

What should I bring?

“Don’t bring bed risers. BRING A FAN (not a window fan). Box fans and standing fans work though. Something to clean the sink and mirror with pretty frequently. A full length mirror and the mirror hangers for the closet door. An air freshener. The rooms get musty quickly.”

Any other tips?

“The community in the building is what you make of it. If you just hang out in the hallways then you will make friends, but don't complain about not making friends if you're not putting yourself out there. Don't touch the carpeted walls in the hall and don't ask why they're like that. Some things are best not addressed. If you're going to sneak into justice after a night of drinking do it through the side doors on the lower level and make sure you have strong friends because there is no elevator. Best showers to shave in are the handicapped showers. Don't use the sinks in the bathrooms if you don't want to look like an outcast. Get a futon if you want your room to be the hangout spot. There is room. Keep a roll of toilet paper in your room for the long weekends because when it runs out, no one stocks it until the next school day.”

Living Learning Center

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Okay best thing is definitely that it is suite style, so really spacious. It also looks like Hogwarts from the outside which is awesome.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“Worst thing is having to walk up a million stairs to get there. It gets old really fast, especially when it’s cold.”

What should I bring?

“I guess something to bring would be pillows and blankets so your friends can spend the night easily? Because they will, because your room is so huge. Also maybe a comfy chair so you can sit down without climbing up to your high bed.”

Any other tips?

“Don’t take the elevator. Unless you're going from the bottom floor to the fourth floor, MAYBE! But you look dumb taking the elevator because it is so unbelievably slow that somebody who is taking the stairs will beat you undoubtedly and then you'll feel like a loser.”

Lovill Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Okay. So best thing was probably the dorm itself. The unit. AC & carpeted dorms. Nothing was special about it. We had a common area, but no one really used it, except for TV. The rooms were big and it has a nice field beside it.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“The bathrooms were small. Common areas on the floors and the first floor sucked. The front was made of weird fake gravel. The elevator would always talk to you and it was annoying as shit.”

What should I bring?

“Shower shoes, black out curtains for when the sun rises into your room. You can manage bringing a little extra furniture.”

Any other tips?

“Make friends with the people beside the door so you can come in drunk, the area between your bed and the window sill is a good quick hiding spot (don’t ask). Loft your bed for space underneath.”

Mountaineer Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“It is one of the newest on campus and it's all really updated with Vinyl floors. Also you only have to share a bathroom with one person, your roommate. They also have a big rec room with a flat screen and pool table and a ping pong table. They have individual study rooms for each floor too.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“As for the cons, you can't really sneak in because all 3 entrances are at the front desk. It's also far from everything which sucks. You can only park at Mountaineer after 5 unless you get one of the few parking passes rewarded to people who've lived there for 2 or more years or your an RA/RD. If not, you'll be towed. Trust me.”

What should I bring?

“Not curtains. It comes with curtains. The rooms are decently sized, so maybe some small furniture. But don’t get crazy.”

Any other tips?

“Stock up on food in the winter because you’re not going to want to walk to get dinner in the snow and wind. Trust me on this. #ramenlife”

Newland Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“The location is great. It’s right next to Trivette and the football stadium. Having your own shower is cool. Suite style is pretty awesome, but the location is so prime.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“There’s a lot of transfer students there so it’s kind of boring sometimes because everyone is not really social.”

What should I bring?

“Shower shoes still, because you never know. Also, your own cleaning supplies and toilet paper (which is super annoying).”

Any other tips?

“Side doors!!!! Side doors are bae. Even though they close at only 8 PM.”

Summit Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Summit is the best dorm on campus. By far. It’s right next to the student union and Sanford Mall. No freshman live in it, which makes it super less annoying than all of the other dorms. There are study rooms on each floor and the rooms are huge. It’s perfect.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“This is tough. Last year there were a lot of leaky pipes, or something, and the fire alarms would go off alllllllll the time. In the middle of the night. Our RD was an asshole and wouldn’t let us sit in Cone’s lobby to stay warm either. That part was hell. Some of the RA’s were rude, but that happens in every dorm. Having to clean your own bathroom was tedious.”

What should I bring?

“Stuff to clean the bathrooms with FOR SURE. Bring a big rug. You can fit a lot in the room. Bring whatever furniture.”

Any other tips?

“Use the side doors, if you can, when you’re drunk. If you’re going to shotgun beers before going out do it in the shower so it’s easy to clean. Do laundry in the middle of the night because honors kids have early classes and drink their warm milk and go to bed early. No one uses the kitchen much and that’s a shame because it’s awesome. Use the study room downstairs too, it has a fire place.”

White Hall

What’s the best thing about this dorm?

“Cleanest bathrooms ever. Pretty easy walk to PSU. Nice dorm in general really, the rooms were a good size.”

What’s the worst thing about this dorm?

“No one talks to you. Most of the time at least. It’s an all girls dorm. Full of real passive aggressive girly shit. Not a fan of that.”

What should I bring?

“Bring a vacuum for your carpet because you’ll need it.”

Any other tips?

“Be very calm when you’re going into White if you’re drunk because they don’t play around. I once watched eleven people get a drinking ticket one night. The second floor has a side door that helps for fire drills. White is always first to have fire drills. Also, watch out for tour groups when you get outta the shower.”

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