Another One Bites The Dust
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Another One Bites The Dust

A definitive guide to who has dropped out of the presidential race thus far.

Another One Bites The Dust
The Nation

In the beginning of the 2016 Presidential primaries, a whopping 23 Americans decided to put their bid in for the title. Most surprisingly, the GOP began the season with 17 candidates. Not surprisingly though, 10 of these candidates have ended their campaigns. On the democratic side of the race, they began with five candidates, but are now down to their top two: Clinton and Sanders. Here is a definitive guide to those who didn't make the cut:

1. Jim Webb

Jim Webb was a candidate that not many knew about in the beginning of this season. Let's be real, that's still the case. Like Bernie Sanders, Webb was an independent politician running on the democratic ticket. The former Virginia Senator and Navy Veteran made somewhat of a name for himself during the first Democratic Debate. Webb casually mentioned the time he killed someone in battle when asked what enemy he is most proud of.

2. Chris Christie

Chris Christie is one of the most recent primary drop-outs. After being brutally defeated by many others in the New Hampshire primary, Christie went home to New Jersey to think bout his campaign with his family. He announced the end of his candidacy the next day. The New Jersey governor had a great night during the last GOP debate, calling out Rubio-Bot on his scripted lines.

3. Lindsey Graham

Graham was one of my personal favorite republicans, and I was a little heartbroken to see him go. His soft spoken southern accent brought a lot of character to the debate stage. The South Carolina senator dropped out of the race, like many, before the primaries even began. On his way out, Graham endorsed his fellow Southern politician, Jeb Bush.

4. Carly Fiorina

Fiorina, like Christie, dropped out after gaining little ground during the New Hampshire primary. Fiorina started off her campaign to a great start with high poll numbers, especially after waging war against Planned Parenthood during the first GOP debate.

5. Mike Huckabee

Mike Huckabee was a candidate that many expected to make a run for the presidential title. The 2016 election wasn't Huckabee's first time running a campaign for president. In 2008, the former Arkansas governor made a bid for the GOP nomination, but was eventually defeated by John McCain. The highlight of Huckabee's 2016 campaign, was when he went on stage with Kim Davis when she was fresh out of jail after refusing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

6. Bobby Jindal

Bobby Jindal was one of the many GOP candidates who dropped out early. After weeks of being at the "kids table" at debates, the Louisiana governor decided to cut his campaign short. Jindal did not have many highlights of his campaign.

7. Lincoln Chafee

Like Webb, Lincoln Chafee dropped out of the democratic race after the first Democratic Debate. There were reports that Chafee had only a few minor donors, including his brother-in-law, but the gossip never went far.

8. George Pataki

Pataki who? That's what I asked too. Pataki has had an impressive career that one could think would lead up to the presidency. From mayor, to governor, then a senator of New York.

9. Rand Paul

Rand Paul was one of the obvious politicians who would run for president, following his father's footsteps. Rand has also dropped out of the race, like his father had twice before. The Kentucky senator had a long run of hope in his campaign, but alas had to drop out after not doing too hot in Iowa.

10. Rick Perry

Rick Perry made a name for himself as the governor of Texas for 15 years. Perry isn't the first Texas governor to run for the presidency. Remember George W. Bush? Perry's campaign slowly faded out, much like many other GOP candidates.

11. Scott Walker

Walker had a similar campaign to many of his GOP counterparts, starting out hopeful, and ending after a few debates. The Wisconsin governor dropped out of the race before the GOP debate that was held in Milwaukee.

12. Rick Santorum

Santorum, like some GOP candidates, is a recent drop-out. Unlike many others though, Santorum went out with a bang. After announcing the end of his campaign, he endorsed Florida Senator Marco Rubio. When asked about Rubio's accomplishments on live TV, Santorum slipped and admitted the lack of accomplishments Rubio has.

13. Martin O'Malley

And finally, Martin O'Malley. O'Malley began his campaign as the candidate for those who didn't trust Clinton or the extremes of Sanders. The former Maryland governor ran hopeful campaign, that ended after getting only a few votes in Iowa. Here's to hoping his Irish rock band career still lives on.

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